J17 Ministries
in collaboration with various
ministries in Tucson and beyond
27 August 2019
What's the buzz at
Jesus prayed for unity - We are too!
The first Tuesday of this month saw the birth of a new prayer group, hosted at J17 Ministries' office. It was exciting to see so many congregations represented, praying as one for the unity of the Body of Christ in Tucson (and beyond). In fact, so many people turned out that, for our next prayer gathering on September 2, we have moved the meeting space from our humble office to one of the larger meeting rooms within the Center of Opportunity! We hope to see you next Tuesday at 4pm!

We're also pleased to announce that we've added the major events hosted by two significant pastoral associations in Tucson to our ongoing calendar: the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance (IMA) and the Asociación Pastoral Evengélica de Tucson, the first growing out of the African American community, and the second from the Hispanic community. Both groups are welcome to anyone, but even if you don't attend, thank God for all He's doing to unite His body in our city.
Invest i n Jesus' John 17 prayer
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Harmony Hub
Church = Community
Tasha Campbell
When we focus less on ourselves and instead direct our attention to the King, making Him the center, amazing things inevitably follow. The church, us — you and me —, was designed to glorify God and worship Him alone. By living in true community, putting our Common Unity at the forefront, we must make our Father’s heart happy.

READ MORE about a recent church/community success story.
Collaboration Corner
Churches are Transforming DRC
Reconciled World
TCT [Truth Centered Transformation, a type of Community Health Evangelism] launched in Democratic Republic of Congo in 2016, in partnership with ECC and Revival Church Network. Using their own resources, the churches have faithfully been applying the truths they have learned and serving their communities with acts of love.

READ MORE about how the Christ-followers in the Democratic Republic of Congo are agents of change for their country.
The Good News of Jesus
in a Donkey-Elephant War
"What a great idea!" she exclaimed exuberantly. "Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?" I chuckled before quickly pointing out that I can’t take credit for the "idea." Plagiarizing Jesus sounds like a patently bad idea. I asked her if she knew what John 17 was, and she didn’t. So I told her that it’s both a chapter in the Bible, and a prayer that Jesus prayed right before giving His life for us on the cross. "This is His idea, not mine."

READ MORE from the latest blog post in preparation for a new book, The Good News of Jesus in a Donkey Elephant War.
Check out the latest opportunities to strengthen
your faith and connect with the community.
Highlighted here are events coming up immediately.
Click the button below for a complete listing of events.
What's happening for pastors ?
If you are part of an area event promoting unity and collaboration among the citywide Body of Christ and beyond and would like it included in an upcoming newsletter, please click HERE to submit your request.
4Tucson Church of the Week
Week of August 25
New Life Bible Fellowship
Pray for the Body!

Pray for these specific requests .