May 2020
Waterville UMC News
Dear Church Family,
May the peace of our gracious and loving God be with you.
The morning that I wrote this had a great start. As I was leaving for the church an elderly lady across the street commented upon our yard sign. Sammy said, “You must be a religious person by the sign in your yard. I said, “yes.” Then she said, “Are you a preacher?” and again I said yes. Her face lit up. Sammy then ask me to pray for her. Her first request was for fear and anxiety she is having with COVID 19. There are many “Sammy’s all around us. If you have a “Sammy” near you, please get in contact with them and pray.
As April comes to a close we still do not know exactly when we will be able to worship at the church. I ask that you drive by the church and pray for God to reveal all He is asking you to do in light of social distantly. If you want prayer, please call or text me at 419-469-0156. Also reach out to those around you and offer to pray for them.
We must thank the Lord for the weekly video’s and
Park and Pray
. This past week more people viewed the video than our average attendance at church. We have no way of determining if people watched more than once. Park and Pray had 170 in attendance on Sunday.
I met two young ladies who had come to Park and Pray. One from Waterville and one from Sylvania. They loved the ministry they had experienced and are coming back this week. The Holy Spirit has laid on my heart to consider offering this style of worship weekly following our social distancing, perhaps on Thursday at an undetermined location. After praying about this idea
Please let me know your thoughts
Meetings with the architect, builder and others are continuing. We are very close to receiving our 100% drawings. This is a true milestone for us. Keep praying for God’s wisdom as our leaders are navigating this process.
Remember what Jesus said to his disciples shortly before his arrest and torture. Here is my paraphrase: Here is a special gift, the gift of peace that can’t be found anywhere else. This peace only comes in knowing God. Are you experiencing God’s peace? If not go to God and talk about why or what is preventing you from this promised gift from Jesus.
May you find God’s peace that is available to all who have accepted Jesus as their savior,
Pastor Mike
May Sunday Worship Opportunities:
8:00am Pastor’s Message on You Tube via web, FB, Twitter & eBLAST
11:00am Park & Pray at AW High School North Parking Lot
Sharing the Message
In these changing times, we are all communicating in different ways. Remember to share with your family, friends, & neighbors the blessed ways we are sharing the Lord's love at
Waterville UMC
through the weekly Pastor's message, Park & Pray, personal phone calls & cards, eBlasts, Facebook, Twitter, Zoom, and more!
We have included the May HomeTouch in this Ambassador. Click on HomeTouch picture to open.
Waterville United Methodist Church invites everyone to a Park and Pray at Anthony Wayne High School north parking lot each Sunday at 11 am.
We stay in our cars and maintain social distancing. A prayer paper is available on our wesite and provided via e-mail or at the event with greeters wearing gloves and masks.
The Mission Focus for May 2020 is our own Boy Scout Troop 101, which is sponsored by WUMC. This Troop has been in existence for over 90 years and been an integral part of many activities “behind the scenes” around our church. We are excited to support such a worthwhile program for our youth!
Operation Christmas Child
This year's theme for the Operation Christmas Child is
just one more
. How many times a week do you say "just one more"? Please click on the button below to read just alittle more about..."just one more..."
Collection Items for May
Boy Items
: tools of all kinds, duct tape, flashlights & batteries, work gloves, wallets, watches, harmonicas, ball caps, balls (soccer balls), duct tape, string or zip ties, utility apron or belt, eating utensils (spoons & forks only)
Carloads of food and cash donations collected at Park and Pray April 19th and 26th! We will continue to collect food during May. The food was donated to Zion Methodist in Whitehouse and the Anthony Wayne Food pantry!
The prayer team is asking for the support of the rest of the congregation to join them in praying specifically for the the Prayer focus of the month.
May’s Theme
Substance and Behavioral Addictions of all Kinds
Addiction is a psychological and physical inability to stop consuming a chemical, drug, activity, or substance, even though it is causing psychological and physical harm. It is considered both a complex brain disorder and a mental illness.
Substance addiction can include drugs, chemicals, alcohol, tobacco. Behavioral addiction can include gambling, sex, eating, and even working.
We pray this month for all those affected by this evil, and the loved ones surrounding them. It may be a neighbor, friend, co-worker, family member, or even ourselves. Lift this condition to the Lord for grace and healing.
Project with a Purpose
The children and youth of WUMC are working on a project to bless the residents at Browning, Kingston and Story Point.
They are making 195 Perler Bead crosses to be delivered in May to the residents. We are praying that these crosses would remind the residents that they are not alone and that God is with them.
Unfortunately, the traditional Vacation Bible School will not take place this year. The VBS committee is looking into possible alternative solutions and we will keep you posted as these plans develop.
We hope you have been enjoying the Children's Moments available on our website every week!
The Youth Mission Trip will be rescheduled for 2021.
Our Youth have been connecting weekly via Zoom keeping Youth Alive! going. Praises to our leaders and our youth!
Outdoor spring clean up will be re-scheduled.
Watch for details in the eBLAST!
Graduation Sunday
- IF we are back at church, we will recognize our high school, college, and technical school graduates on Sunday, May 31st, during the church service. As in years past, we would like to include information about the graduates in the bulletin and also feature them in a slideshow of photos.
If we are not back in church, we will still feature our graduates through the church's eBLAST and Ambassador. If you have a graduate in your family, please contact Stephanie Shelton at She will need to gather information from you about your graduate and collect about 8 photos of your graduate at different ages to feature in the slideshow. Please send your photos to Stephanie by May 23.
Church Office
Part Time Church Secretary
The Waterville United Methodist Church is seeking a part-time church Secretary. The job qualifications include strong computer skills, must be proficient in MS Office Suite, proficient in working with social media (Facebook, Twitter), creative, detail oriented, administrative secretarial duties (answering phones, scheduling appointments, greeting guests, etc.). A detailed job description is available by contacting Charlene Monroe. Interested applicants should email their resumes including reference list by May 15, 2020 to
or mail to Waterville United Methodist Church, c/o Charlene Monroe, 102 N. Fifth St., Waterville, OH 43566. The Waterville United Methodist Church is an EEO/M/F/D/V employer.
Click on the picture to listen to
"This is Living" by Hillsong in honor of Mother's Day
April 5....179
April 12
April 19
April 26
Numbers include Park and Pray and You Tube.
May Sunday Service Opportunities:
8:00am Pastor’s Message at
11:00am Park & Pray at AW High School North Parking Lot
We hope to be back in the church building to worship soon. We will communicate when we know!
George Welker May 1
Elizabeth Snyder May 2
Jase Studer May 2
Terri Gingery May 4
Jessica Quinn-Sickler May 4
Justin Hires May 6
Bill Gregory May 7
Ayden Rozelle May 7
Jacob Varner May 7
Tom R. Przybylski May 9
Ed Golding May 10
Josh Hankins May 11
Ed Thompson May 13
Brandon J. Vernon May 13
Julie Croy May 14
Bruno Page May 14
Lynn Harter May 17
Mia E. Przybylski May 18
Alexa E. Galton May 22
Mark Smith May 22
Anthony Westfall May 22
Dorothy Bunde May 23
Paul Buskey May 24
Margaret Donna Sobecki May 24
Caroline K. Varner May 24
Kaitlin Warner May 26
Melanie Reihing May 27
Brody Eric Varner May 27
Evan B. Schultz May 29
Adam M. Shelton May 29
Happy Birthday to you!
If you have an May Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
The church office is closed; but we are regularly checking voicemail & email. If you need to reach us please call 419-878-3645 and leave a voicemail or send us an email at
. If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need please call Pastor
Mike Denman at 419-469-0156 . We are here for you.
Follow us on Twitter
Follow the church and youth on our Twitter pages:
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645|
Email Us