Good afternoon,

Thank you for your patience and support. 
We continue to follow the advice of public health experts and work together to move into recovery from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Our team advances our mission, in partnership with our local families, and they remain hopeful for a safe, decent and affordable place to live. We know in these strange and unusual times, our homes have become a refuge. Hopefully, a place of safety. We want that feeling of security and safety to be a part of our partner families lives too.

In the days and weeks to come, we'll reach out to keep you up to date and we hope to hear from you. 

We've made significant strides in adapting how we operate and do business. Currently, our Affiliate staff works in rotation from both on-site and work from home locations. A comprehensive phased-in plan for changing sales operations began with the May 4th launch of Brantford ReStore Online using Shopify. Yesterday, we re-opened our doors to the public for both our Brantford and Simcoe ReStore locations! Scheduled, pre-approved ReStore donations are also now being accepted at both stores. 

With physical distancing measures in place, new health and safety protocols and training for our team, we also look forward to reactivating our construction projects within the guidelines and protocols necessary to keep everyone safe. 

On behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you for your patience. 
Other activities such as our Annual General Meeting and planned special events are currently postponed. We are planning to have the AGM at the earliest opportunity, likely when more COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. Should the restrictions remain in place for an extended period of time, then arrangements may be made for a virtual AGM. 

Please watch for new email updates, visit our website and social media.

I know times are tough for some of you. 
I encourage you to reach out to our team if you have any questions, and let's keep sharing kind, encouraging words with each other like the good neighbours I know Habitat folks like you to be!  Our partner families are also counting on all of us, now more than ever. We have 9 families who are anxiously awaiting progress to help build their new home by the end of this year. If you can help, your support for these local families with a gift of any amount, will have a tremendous impact. Don’t forget you can also donate product to the ReStore! Please make your gift today at  

Thank you again for your friendship, loyalty and belief in the Habitat way. 


Steve Roorda
Chair, Board of Directors