FRWA eNews
August 2 , 2019
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Florida Rural Water Association
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
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Please support our sponsors by clicking on the logos below to see the services they offer.  Be sure to stop by their booths in the Exhibit Hall. 

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FRWA Annual Conference Begins Monday
August 5-7, 2019
Hilton Daytona Beach
Daytona Beach FL 32118
Reservations: 386.254.8200 or

The FRWA Fortieth Annual Conference begins Monday.  If you haven't already registered, come to the Registration Booth and we will be happy to register you on site.  The PreConference classes start at 12:30 so don't be late so that you can earn the .5 CEUs to be given for the Monday Sessions.  The rest of the Conference will be worth 1.0 CEUs.

The Conference is packed full of training, door prizes, and plenty of food! With over fifty topics to chose from, there is something for everyone.   For a complete agenda, click here.

Our Exhibit Hall is sold out with over 100 booths to see the latest in industry innovations.  Don't forget to be in the Exhibit Hall when your name is called for the door prizes and the FRWA 50/50 raffle.

We will kick things off with the Twenty-Fourth Annual Carl Hongell Memorial Golf Tournament. It will be even more exciting since it will be played at the LPGA Golf Course! Click here for more information on the Tournament.

Don't forget to bring your water sample to the Registration booth before 2:00 on Tuesday to participate in this year's Best Tasting Water Contest. The winner will be announced at the Exhibitor Social in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday evening and will have the opportunity to represent Florida in the Great American Taste Test in Washington DC in February. For more information click here.

These and other activities will keep you informed, inspired, and motivated so that we can help you to make sure the future of the water and wastewater industry in Florida is bright!  

For complete information, click here. See you in Daytona!
National News
Opinion: Opinion: Next president must address water crisis | Detroit News  While they are in our state, the presidential candidates will be surrounded by the Great Lakes.  more

New York authorities test cyber defenses | KMIZ Two days after Louisiana officials declared a state of emergency following a massive cyber attack, authorities from New York conducted a "digital fire drill" to see how critical infrastructure would hold up during a security breach.  more
State News
More care needed around Fort Lauderdale's fragile water pipes, commissioner says | Sun Sentinel Fort Lauderdale's busted water pipes continue to be a headache for officials and residents, with one neighborhood enduring a boil-water order for at least nine days because of the most recent break.  more

Lee County residents dispute proposed location for wastewater treatment facilities | WINK  A neighborhood battle is brewing over what could be two waste water treatment facilities in Lee County, near Alico Road and south of Southwest Florida International Airport.  more

Martin County investigating new algae cleanup technologies | WPTV This year has been a much better summer for water lovers on the Treasure Coast with fewer sightings of toxic blue-green algae.  more

Families in Jacksonville area push to stop sludge dump in St. Johns River | Action News Jax  On Thursday, the Atlantic Beach native said he always checks the water before he casts his line.  more

$40 Million Available in Partnership Funding for Alternative Water Supply and Water Conservation Projects  The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) is excited to announce it is accepting applications for cost-share projects to develop alternative water supply projects and water conservation projects.  more

City prepares for rising wastewater, utility costs | Palm Coast Observer  The city government is preparing for the possibility of expanding its capacity at Wastewater Treatment Plant 2 and adding staff members at its Utility Department, Building Department and Stormwater Division.  more

City of Marianna receives grant for stormwater pond | My Panhandle  A grant from the Northwest Florida Water Management District helped the City of Marianna construct a stormwater treatment system that will provide re-used water for irrigation needs on the Chipola College campus while also protecting the Chipola River.  more

Hurricane season: Systems 'beginning to bubble' in the Atlantic Developments in the eastern Caribbean Sea and off the coast of Africa have caught the attention of National Hurricane Center forecasters this week as the tropical conveyor belt in the Atlantic basin chugs punctually to life.  more
This Week in Water History
Water Waste in Washington, DC
August 2, 1911: Municipal Journalarticle. Water Waste in Washington, DC. "The matter of detecting and closing underground leaks in the distribution system is one that the water department of Washington has been working on systematically and rather extensively since 1906.

At that time the rapid increase in both mean consumption and per capita rates made it quite evident that unless radical measures were taken the city would soon be face to face with at least a partial water famine; the increasing danger had been recognized for years, but shortage of funds and the failure of Congress to authorize the general installation of meters had prevented taking up the work on an effective scale.

The per capita rate, based on the entire population, was 169 in 1896 and 217 in 1906, while the mean daily rates for the two years were 44,500,000 and 67,500,000 respectively. During a short period of unusual cold in the winter of 1904-5 the consumption exceeded the capacity of the conduit supplying the city, and the local reservoirs were drawn down close to the danger line. Before the trouble reached the consumer the weather moderated, and conditions again became normal. more

For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309