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Boston, MA 02133

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Dear Friend,
During these extraordinary days, I hope you are safe and well, with a roof over your head, access to meals, and healthy connections to loved ones.  I hope you're OK financially, too.  

The State Senate is functioning well in virtual mode. We're in constant contact with each other on everything from expanding unemployment insurance to relaxing limitations on municipal government.  

I'm  fielding this short survey (six questions) so that I can better understand how the disruptions of COVID-19 are affecting all of us.  I hope you can spare a minute or two to complete it. 
The survey is anonymous.  We'll tally responses and share the aggregate totals with you.  If you wish, by all means expand on your thoughts in the Comment box.
Separately, don't hesitate to contact me or my office if we can help during this difficult time.



For up-to-the-minute information on COVID-19 in Massachusetts, please visit the Massachusetts Department of Public Health website



For up-to-the-minute information on COVID-19 across the country, please visit the Centers for Disease Control website



For up-to-the-minute information on maintaining emotional health and well-being during the COVID-19 outbreak, please visit the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health