Altar Choir -
Singing and Ringing!
Parents, if you have a child entering grades 4-7, we need your input! We want to build a rehearsal schedule that will allow all of our Altar Choir kids to participate in music making at Hennepin. Please click on the survey link below to tell us what days and times work best for your family. We will tally responses and announce rehearsal times in the next couple of weeks. Thank you in advance for your input!
Readers 4 LYFE!
Hennepin Kids Summer Reading Program!

Stop into the church library! Hennepin Kids for LYFE is partnering with the HAUMC Library Committee to offer a summer reading program. Throughout the summer, our Hennepin Kids will be encouraged to read books that coordinate with our sermon series and our Sunday School weekly lessons. Books will be available in the Hennepin Library, or pick your own that support the themes! Kids will earn Book Bucks for every book that they read.

On Expo Sunday, September 8th, we will host a book fair where kids can buy books with their Book Bucks!
August is Kindness Month