Sunday night saw one of my highlights of the year, the Blessing of the Animals! We had close to 100 people, plus dozens of creatures, all gathered together in the Sanctuary for an evening of singing, prayer, and asking God's blessing upon our most beloved pets. Thank you for being a part of such a wonderful tradition. Official photos will be coming soon.

Today is the FINAL DAY to register for this weekend's Trail of Terror / Lock-In. We love doing these sorts of fun events, yet we really need people to please commit. I always appreciate people letting me know they're interested and yet these are the sorts of things that need official registration with payments made, please. Thank you for your cooperation and I hope to hear from you today!

Likewise, our window for registering for The Event is closing soon, too. All Confirmation students are encouraged to submit their registration, too. It's a great weekend of rock bands, workshops, service projects, and more - all in a quality hotel resort up north on a beautiful lake!

Trunk-or-Treat needs all youth's help THIS SUNDAY to plan the Spooky Labs! Please plan on meeting in the Church of Youth Room this Sunday at 5:30pm to go over our plans for this year's spootacular fun! See you soon!

Jesus loves you!

- Rev. Nate Melcher,
Associate Pastor of Faith Development