Our Lady of Lourdes Academy
April 17, 2020

Dear Members of the Lourdes Academy Community,

I hope this message finds you well.

I wanted to provide an update, regarding our school's closure, as received from the Archdiocese of Miami this morning. We have been informed that all ADOM schools, including Our Lady of Lourdes Academy, will continue with virtual learning for the remainder of the school year.  The last day of classes for seniors will be May 15.  The last day for underclassmen will be June 3.  To read the original letter from our Superintendent of Schools,  Dr Kim Pryzbylski, CLICK HERE

I know this news is not what we were all hoping for, as we all miss each other and our presence and interaction on campus, but we understand the decision was made in the interest of prudence and safety.  Please know our team will continue to provide the best instruction and loving care for our students, despite the circumstances. 

For our seniors, I continue to ask you be at peace.  I know your time together has been cut short, but, as I said to you in my video message to you a few weeks ago, we will celebrate YOU, once social distancing guidelines are lifted.  Of that, you have my word. 

As a community of faith, let's do our best to live beyond the "what if" and find joy in "what is." 

Continue to stay positive, healthy and at home.  Know that you are loved and prayed for daily. 

With Mary in All Things,

Sister Carmen Teresa Fernández, IHM '85
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