SBA COVID 19 Economic Disaster Loan Webinar - TODAY
Tuesday, March 26th, 11a - 12p

Please join the Tompkins Chamber, Chamber Alliance of New York State (CANYS), and Empire State Development to learn more about the SBA's COVID 19 Economic Disaster Loan Program.
This webinar will be conducted by Matthew Kennedy of Empire State Development, and will cover how to navigate the application process and other important information to assist you helping your small and medium businesses through this crisis. 
This webinar will be approximately 30-45 minutes including Q&A as part of the presentation. The invitation to join the webinar is open to anyone.
Join us in thanking and congratulating Dominick Recckio!

Please join the Chamber & CVB staff and Board of Directors in celebrating Dominick Recckio for all that he has contributed to the Chamber during his 3.5 years with our organization. We're so grateful to him for his service to the Chamber and our members in the last few years, but particularly supporting our membership growth and helping establish the Live in Ithaca initiative!

Dominick will be taking the role of Tompkins County Communications Director beginning on Monday, March 30th, acting as chief public information officer for Tompkins County Administration. We know Dominick is a perfect fit for this opportunity, especially when our community is in a time of crisis. You can send Dominick well wishes at through March 27th.
Virtual Small Business Roundtable
Wednesday, April 1, 8 - 9:30 a.m.

In this time of uncertainty it is even more imperative that small businesses share creative solutions and come together to work through economic problems together. The Chamber is committed to supporting all of our members as best we can in this time of crisis, we hope you'll join us for this roundtable discussion to be moderated by Jennifer Tavares from the Chamber and Mary Stazi, CEO of The Computing Center.
Women in Business Roundtable
Virtual Happy Hour
Friday, April 3, 3-4:30 p.m.

Thanks to all who joined our Virtual Happy Hour last Friday!

For the next couple of months, we'll be holding our Women in Business Roundtable every other Friday.
Join us!
Local Mental Health Resources

The Chamber has been in touch with many of our members in these last few weeks, we recognize how difficult this time is for many of you. There's a lot of uncertainty facing us individually, and as a community - the only way to get through this is together. Please don't hesitate to reach out to any of the resources in the link below if you need to talk to someone.

If you can, check in (virtually) with your neighbors, friends, and family.
As soon as we have definitive guidance regarding the details of the $2 trillion stimulus package that passed last night in Washington, we will share it with you. There are some promising items that we've been advocating for - including unemployment benefits for those that are self-employed, as well as disaster grants in addition to loans for small businesses - but we are waiting for the final bill before sharing updates.

Many important developments for both businesses and nonprofits are included below:

We just received word that NYS has officially been approved for Economic Injury Disaster Loans from the SBA. The Small Business Development Center will be guiding applicants through the entire process of applying, including help with document collection, conducting the pro forma, and assisting with the application. Our local Small Business Advisor, Lindsay Wolf, can be reached at .

If you feel that your business or organization provides essential services and should be exempt from this requirement, please fill out this form.

Empire State Development has set up a web portal and FAQ page for individuals and businesses with business-related COVID-19 issues and questions on this website with all COVID-19 info:

Many businesses and organizations have expressed a desire to support New York State as it responds to the virus outbreak. Individuals or groups looking to volunteer or contribute to the State’s effort should contact the Governor’s Office at .

Please respond to our survey! For business owners and nonprofit leaders only - the Chamber, TCAD, DIA, and City of Ithaca Dept. of Economic Development issued our most recent survey last Friday. Please take time to reply regarding your business conditions and updates if you can. Thanks!
Tompkins Chamber Announces Member Support Fund t hrough Chamber Foundation

The Chamber is providing critical support to our network and the community during this unprecedented crisis. In the coming weeks and months, engaging virtually with peers, receiving valuable information and resource updates, and sustaining the promotion and support of local businesses or organizations will be as important as ever. We are striving to make this information and services free of charge for those within our membership, and the broader community.

If you represent a business or organization that can support others weathering these circumstances by funding an additional program entry fee, or helping to subsidize their membership remaining active during the next six months, our community and organization could use your support.
Still have questions?

Here's an adorable, inquisitive kitten to make you feel better.

Seriously, though...we'll do our best to help you or make referrals to those who have the answers you need.

Just call the Chamber at 607-273-7080, or email us at .

* A brief reminder that we are not doctors or legal experts - just your friendly local Chamber doing our best to keep you informed.*