PATH Intl. COVID-19 Bulletin
March 27, 2020
COVID-19-Specific Updates for PATH Intl. Centers, Individual Members, Certified Professionals & Friends

The PATH Intl. Board of Trustees and Staff continue to assess the impact of COVID-19 on you, your center and the industry in order to provide pertinent information and support membership. The organization is aware there are centers shouldering permanent and temporary effects of the outbreak. Please employ in good health the following valuable tools curated to help PATH Intl. Member Centers navigate through the unprecedented crisis.
House Passes Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Addresses Many Horse Industry Concerns from American Horse Council
Early Friday afternoon, House lawmakers passed the CARES Act, teeing up approximately $2 trillion in emergency aid to American taxpayers, small business, and non-profits and charities. Because most equine enterprises characterize themselves as small businesses and include many non-profits such as state associations and equine rescue operations, the package addresses many challenges facing the horse industry. The following are highlights, with more details to follow after President Trump signs the bill into law.

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Free Live Webinar for PATH Intl. Centers and Members
Friday, April 3, 2020, 9-10:30 am, MT
COVID-19 Impact: Navigating the Present and Planning for the Future for your Center and Participants
Join Dana Butler-Moburg, Executive Director of The Shea Center, for a FREE 90-minute opportunity to gain insight and tools to help you navigate these challenging times and maintain your program.

Dana will focus on five areas: Re-thinking your programming, donor relations, staff care, horse care and communication. Dana is a 23-year veteran as the executive director of The J.F. Shea Therapeutic Riding Center, a PATH Intl. Premier Accredited Center, and has been at the forefront of responding to the recommendations of the CDC and other government officials at their facility. They have developed plans (and are still doing so) to guide this California-based center through programming suspension and changes while also maintaining staff and horse care and donor relations. 
Kathy Alm, CEO of PATH Intl., will provide some opening industry comments followed by Dana’s presentation. We will then address questions and take the opportunity to connect with each other.
In order to ensure we are focusing on what is most important to our centers, please submit any initial questions to Kathy Alm by Monday, March 30 .
Tips for Nonprofit Centers
Paul Weiss, a firm of 1,000+ lawyers with diverse backgrounds, personalities, ideas and interests who provide innovative and effective solutions to client challenges has built a FANTASTIC Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center . Click on other states to see a list of resources for each state!
Benefit From The Experiences of a PATH Intl. Center Emerging from the Virus in China
Amy Tripson, a PATH Intl. Certified Advanced Instructor and program director for PATH Intl. Member Center Hope Beijing in China, generously produced this webinar for PATH Intl. Members. The free webinar shares how the center responded to the crisis that for them started in January. The recorded presentation is a treasure trove of tactics and inspiration from colleagues who've successfully maneuvered their way through the pandemic. Click here for the excellent presentation.
We continue to research and gather information to assist centers in maintaining operations during this challenging time. If you have suggestions or ideas, please email Kathy Alm . We might include those ideas in a future communication.