April 16, 2020
For the Love of Travel
Planning for when travel resumes
Dear Members and Friends:
I love to travel, my staff loves to travel and much of the world loves to travel and when this is all over, and it will end, we will continue to seek out the world around us. First on my list for travel is to see my loved ones after we have been so long apart and to see the landscapes of my home. To lift your spirits and to remind us of why we love to travel, the staff has put together a little story about The Girl Who Loved to Travel .
I also have some cautiously optimistic news. A new survey by LuggageHero found that more than half of Americans (58%) are planning to travel between May and September 2020, as long as their destinations aren't in quarantine. 
And when that quarantine is lifted, Forbes Magazine contributing writer Christopher Elliott , outlined how people will travel after the coronavirus:
  1. They'll stay in the country. International travel will fall out of favor as people stay closer to the safety of home. 
  2. They won't travel far from home. "Staycations" and road trips will be favored over flying or cruising.
  3. They'll make it quick. A softer economy will mean the traditional two-week summer vacation could turn into a long weekend. 

Road Trips to Indian Country
Gas prices are at record low and Americans will be ready to leave their homes to see and do again in person once the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.  As your reservation, village or community emerges from the current restrictions how are you informing the traveling public setting out on weekend trips and road trips that you are open for business?  

In addition to updating your website and social media presence, here are two marketing opportunities to share with you to help you inform the traveling public of your destination, event and/or attraction:
  1. If you are an American Indian, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian tribally owned, tribal enterprise attraction/accommodation, sign up to participate on AIANTA’s, the only consumer-facing destination website representing American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian tourism in the United States (no charge to participate if eligible).
  2. If you are adjacent to the Lewis and Clark Historic Trail, nominate your destination to be on (no charge to participate if selected). In partnership with the Trail, AIANTA can assist you with the process. Please also participate in our upcoming webinar to introduce the project scheduled for Wednesday, April 22, 2020, at 10:00 am (Mountain Time). Registration here.

For more information and/or support for participation in either of the above opportunities, please contact Gail Chehak at .
Please know that AIANTA continues to monitor and respond to the impact and response to COVID-19 for Indian Country and the cultural heritage tourism industry. Just last week, AIANTA signed onto a letter with nine other tribal organizations requesting that small business assistance  is accessible and supported specifically to Indian Country. 

With gratitude and prayers of healing,
Sherry L. Rupert, Chief Executive Officer
American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association (AIANTA)