Welcome to the Kidz Zone!
Thoughts from the Director
Dear Families,

I hope this Easter season is blooming and renewing your family time together in a special way. It seems the farther we are apart physically, the closer spiritually we can become!

Mission Commander Chelsea and EP3-20 have a special Sunday school for us again. This time they will be talking specifically about the Last Supper. The activities are minimal this time around and are explained in the video. All the kids need are some blank pieces of paper and crayons. I've included in the message different ways to think about the Last Supper and if they had a special dinner who would they invite and what would they eat.

Please read below for a special update about VBS this summer!

My heart, love, and prayers go out to all of you! Please know I am here whenever you need me. The church is using Zoom for Adult Forum (Sundays 9:30-10:30am) and Coffee Hour (Sundays 11:00am-12:00pm) and anyone is welcome to join. The E-tower has the meeting link, id and password.

I would love to see the kids make their crafts and play the game. When you are done please tag St. James on Facebook with videos or pictures. If you don't have Facebook, or not sure how to, send it to me and I will post it.

Chelsea Whipple
Director of Programs

Important Information:
Next Sunday School & Children's Chapel is this Sunday, May 3rd online with Special Guests!
News and Notes

Mission Commander & EP3-20 are here to teach us a new lesson for the Last Supper! Be sure to grab some paper and crayons. 
Easter Season Activities
Easter season brings a chance to talk with your kids about ways to celebrate Christ's victory and how we can incorporate this into our everyday lives. Bonus points = there is a little something for all ages.

Grab your armor and join us for VBS 2020, a journey that's never been done before!
VBS will not be in-person but virtual. The planning committee is busy changing the format to make it interactive and fun. More details will be forthcoming. If you'd like to participate please still register. We will be making activity packets full of crafts, science experiments and snacks for each child registered.
Come travel the land of North Castle hidden in a frozen land. The King's valiant Knights are on a quest in search of the King's Armor. Kids will take on the role of brave Knights and begin their quest for each session by opening the King's Book. Help kids take up the gauntlet this summer and accept the challenge to "armor up" and be strong by remaining with God.

Details: The Whole Month of JULY. Free! Kids ages 3 - incoming 6th grade.
  Click here to register               (Yes there is a dragon!)
Sunday School
Weaving God's Promises
Class Name: Fishers  (Preschool-Kindergarten)

"And he said to them, 'Follow me and I will make you fish for people.'"                       
-Matthew 4:19 NRSV
Class Name: Seekers (1st - 3rd grade)

"Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be open for you."                                   
-Matthew 7:7 NRSV  
Class Name: Disciples  (4th - 5th grade)

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit..."  
-Matthew 28:19 NRSV
Children's Chapel
Children's Chapel  
We hope to be back when it is safe! Check the St. James website for information on when St. James will be in-person (and still online) worship. 
Young Families Fellowship
Young Family Fellowship

If you are interested in being part of this ministry please email Chelsea. We are currently need of a coordinator willing to gather parents interested. For the time being there will be space marked off in the lounge for parents interested in meeting each other. Parents can also take quiet time in the Sanctuary or join in Adult Forum in the Guild Hall.
Mark Your Calendars

May 3
Sunday School & Children's Chapel
June 7
Sunday School & Children's Chapel
July 7-31
VBS - Knights of the North Castle
Please Note:
This only marks key dates pertinent to the children and parents. There are additional activities. Please check the St. James Calendar for more information.

St. James Episcopal Church | 316-683-5686 | www.stjameswichita.org