New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP
March 2020 Newsletter
In March, the Working Group focused on reviewing
draft final recommendations
** on a topic-by-topic basis. The meetings in March focused on recommendations for the following topics:
- 2 March: Registrant Protections, Registrar Non-Discrimination / Registry/Registrar Standardization, Registrar Support for New gTLDs
- 5 March: TLD Rollout, Contractual Compliance
- 16 March: Community Applications
- 19 March: Community Applications, Public Interest Commitments/Registry Voluntary Commitments
- 23 March: Role of GAC Consensus Advice & GAC Early Warning
- 26 March: Applicant Support
- 30 March: String Similarity
The Working Group held three sessions as part of the
ICANN67 Virtual Community Forum
and focused these sessions on topics that are of particular interest to Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) members. In doing so, the Working Group sought to take advantage of the GAC’s focus on new gTLDs at ICANN67 and its encouragement of GAC member participation throughout the meetings.
In the
first session
9 March
, the Working Group focused on the topic of closed generic top-level domains (TLDs), and specifically discussed different perspectives on whether the Working Group should recommend allowing, limiting, or prohibiting these TLDs in subsequent application rounds. The
second session
10 March
was devoted to the topic of the Global Public Interest, including Mandatory Public Interest Commitments (PICs), Voluntary Public Interest Commitments (which the Working Group is tentatively calling Registry Voluntary Commitments, or RVCs, for the purposes of subsequent procedures), DNS abuse, and Verified TLDs. In the
third session
12 March
, the Working Group discussed possible draft recommendations on GAC Consensus Advice and GAC Early Warning and considered potential improvements to the Applicant Support Program.
** Note that draft recommendations for a subset of the topics (Closed Generics, Public Interest Commitments/Registry Voluntary Commitments, GAC Consensus Advice and GAC Early Warning, Applicant Support, and Community Applications) are currently included in a
separate document
The Working Group will continue to develop draft final recommendations taking into consideration the Working Group’s review of its summary documents and any additional deliberations that have taken place. For the schedule of topics that will be covered in April, please see the Working Group’s
In June 2014, the GNSO Council established a Discussion Group that was intended to evaluate the experiences of the 2012 round gTLD Program and to identify possible areas for future GNSO policy development. The Discussion Group’s
served as the basis for the GNSO Council request for a Preliminary Issue Report in June of 2015.
Following the publication of the
Final Issue Report
, the GNSO Council adopted the
for the PDP Working Group, which began its work in February 2016. The Working Group initially concentrated on a set of overarching issues. It later conducted deliberations on additional topics in its charter using five separate Work Tracks: Work Track 1 - Overall Process/Support/Outreach, Work Track 2 - Legal/Regulatory, Work Track 3: String Contention/Objections & Disputes, Work Track 4: Internationalized Domain Names/Technical & Operations, Work Track 5: Geographic Names at the Top Level.
The Discussion Group identified a number of subjects that may require further analysis and possible formulation of policy language. There are existing policy recommendations adopted by the GNSO Council and ICANN Board, which will remain in place unless the PDP WG determines that changes are needed.
To join this effort, please email the
All are welcome!
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