Essential and open
As you know, SelecTech makes a number of flooring products for hospitals and labs. We also supply ESD flooring to a number of manufacturers who make electronics. Some of those electronic items are part of the COVID-19 response and treatment effort (e.g. ventilators). That’s why SelecTech is open and available to help.
One of the biggest benefits of our flooring products is little to zero downtime. This is critical for the temporary labs and medical facilities that are being created in very short order. Also importantly, our flooring goes right on top of the existing flooring and can be removed and recycled when the space is converted back to its original use. 
Downtime, or lack thereof, is also a benefit to manufacturers who have reduced production during the crisis. With the reduction in hours of operation or even closing, these businesses have been able to make needed flooring improvements during this time and can hit the ground running once the crisis ends.
If your company has a need during this time, please feel free to give us a call at 508-583-3200 or drop a line .
AIA Webinars
A few months ago, we noted how SelecTech was conducting Continuing Education sessions for AIA members. Those were largely in-person sessions. Given the current pandemic, SelecTech now offers those CEU sessions as online webinars. You can read more about what's involved in a CEU session by clicking here .

f you’re an AIA member and would like to schedule a webinar, please contact  Joe Berkowitz  at SelecTech at 508-583-3200.
33 Wales Avenue, Suite F
Avon, MA 02322
Telephone: 508-583-3200