Volume 44 | August 2019
The California Consulting Community
California Consulting In Your Community
California Consulting Secures over $6.5 Mllion for our Clients in the Last 90 Days
California Consulting has been exceeding expecations by securing $6,532,810 over the past 90 days. Congratulations to all of our clients who recieved the following awards:
Success Corner
California Consulting is pleased to highlight the Keppel Union Elementary School District for receiving the California State Preschool Program in the amount of $1,386,394.     

  The District's mission is to Seek Education, Strive for Excellence, and Aspire to Greatness. In order to support this mission, the District's vision is to provide and maintain a positive environment where children acquire the basic reasoning skills to be successful learners and productive contributing citizens. 

This project will allow the District to expand their preschools and to continue their existing programs and expand to more programs that are inclusive of Special Education students. The two existing Preschool programs (Antelope and Lake Los Angeles), opened for the first time in April of 2018 and will continue in the 2019-2020 school year.

Although Antelope school has an existing program, there is a need to expand the program to double the capacity since they already are at full capacity of 48 students with a waiting list of more than 20 students. Furthermore, they plan to also begin three other new preschool programs, one at Pearblossom Elementary and two programs at Alpine Elementary; one to service Mild to Moderate students and one to service Moderate to Severe students. The last two programs will focus on supporting students who may need more adult support, supervision, and services tailored to meet their individual needs.

California Consulting's Senior Project Manager, Danielle Sotelo, ensured a successful application.

Many congratulations to Keppel Union Elementary School District!             
Azusa Unified School District Receives a High Return on Investment
Azusa Unified School District has been a client since April 2014. In that short amount of time California Consulting has written the following grant applications that have been awarded.
California Early Math Initiative
School Breakfast Expansion Grant
National School Lunch Equipment Assistance Grant
Los Angeles County Superintendent of the Year Award
Merit Award
California Scale-Up MTSS Statewide (SUMS) Initiative
San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District Opportunities for Water Leadership (O.W.L.)
California Scale-Up MTSS Statewide (SUMS) Initiative
OCDE Scale-Up MTSS Statewide Initiative
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
CDE School Breakfast Program and Summer Food Service Program Start-up and Expansion Grant
CDE CA State Preschool Program Expansion
CDE Specialized Secondary Schools Program
Classics for Kids Foundation Instrument Matching Grant Program
California ASCD - Outstanding Instructional Leader 2017
Merit Award
CDE National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grant
CDE National School Lunch Equipment
CDE California State Preschool Program (CSPP) Expansion Funds
CDE California Math and Science Partnership (CaMSP)
CDE Gold Ribbon School Award
Merit Award
Azusa Unified School District entire awards totaling $3,738,931 is a 1360% return on investment.  
Grants Awarded
City of Baldwin Park, a CC Client, Receives $376,420 for the City Implementation Grant Phase II.
CC congratulates the City of Baldwin Park (a CC client) for receiving the Home for Good 2017-2018 City Implementation Grant Phase II in the amount of $376,420.

This latest achievement is another example of the commitment of the City's leadership to protect and promote the quality of life for its residents.

It’s also a reflection of the dedication and hard work by CC Project Manager, David Marquez, who ensured a successful grant application.

 Thank you, David, and congratulations Baldwin Park!
City of Baldwin Park, a CC Client, Receives $285,600 for the Home for Good 2017-2018 City Implementation Grant Phase II in the amount of $285,600
CC congratulates the City of Baldwin Park (a CC client) for receiving the Home for Good 2017-2018 City Implementation Grant Phase II in the amount of $285,600.

This latest achievement is another example of the commitment of the City's leadership to protect and promote the quality of life for its residents.

It’s also a reflection of the dedication and hard work by CC Project Manager, David Marquez, who ensured a successful grant application.

Thank you, David, and congratulations Baldwin Park
South Whittier School District, a CC client, receives $7,500 for the Breakfast After the Bell Grant
CC congratulates South Whittier School DIstrict (a CC client) for receiving the Breakfast After the Bell Grant in the amount of $7,500.

This latest achievement is another example of the commitment of the District leadership's to protect and promote the quality of life for its students.

It’s also a reflection of the dedication and hard work by CC Project Manager, Dana Leusch who ensured a successful grant application.

Thank you, Dana, and congratulations SWSD!
South Whittier School District, a CC client, Receives $7,420 for the CDE School Breakfast Grant
CC congratulates South Whittier School DIstrict (a CC client) for receiving the CDE School Breakfast grant in the amount of $7,420.

This latest achievement is another example of the commitment of the District leadership's to protect and promote the quality of life for its students.

It’s also a reflection of the dedication and hard work by CC Project Manager, Dana Leusch who ensured a successful grant application.

Thank you, Dana, and congratulations SWSD!
Upcoming Events
Client Spotlight:
City of Twentynine Palms

California Consulting is pleased to spotlight the City of Twentynine Palms, a desert oasis. This city is the home to Joshua Tree National Park. It’s also the gateway to the Mojave Desert, Mohave National Preserve, and the great California Outback.

The city is known for its world class murals and artists, supportive business climate, desert and mountain vistas, and family friendly lifestyle. The City of Twentynine Palms also is a proud host to the world’s largest Marine Corp Training base, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center.

The City of Twentynine Palms has a rich history, culture, radiant starlit skies, and breath-taking sunrises and sunsets you don’t want to miss!

Team Member Spotlight
Holly Bachman, Statewide Senior Director
California Consulting is pleased to highlight Holly Bachman in our August 2019 Newsletter!

Holly Bachman, Statewide Senior Director, currently oversees clients and potential clients throughout California.

Holly has over 16 years of in marketing, PR, events and business development including serving as a Membership Consultant since 2014 and recently Co-Chair of LA Area Chamber of Commerce non-profit Council where she assists in growing membership and consults with various small, medium and large businesses and organizations in the greater community.

Holly received her B.A. in Sociology/Social Psychology from the University of Minnesota and has been living in California for the past 11 years.

She enjoys spending time with friends and family, watching movies, attending sporting events, and most importantly giving back to the community through mentoring and organizing various local and national events that promote identity, diversity, and unity.

Holly is also a member of the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles Football Club (LAFC), University of Minnesota Alumni Association and currently, resides in the Pasadena area.
Municipal and Educational Grant Opportunties
California Department of Education: County Technical Assistance for Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE)

Deadline: August 16, 2019

Amount: $4.3 million for entire program
Allocation Formula: $37,500 base plus an additional amount based on the county's average daily attendance exceeding 37,500 units as reported to the CDE for 2018-19.

Match: No

Eligibility: Local educational agencies
The County Technical Assistance (TA) for Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE) grant provides funding to county offices of education to plan, develop, and implement capacity building, technical assistance and training, and program monitoring and improvement services for TUPE activities implemented by local educational agencies. A portion of TA funds are to be directed to identifying and reducing disparities among disparate youth populations.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife: Wetlands Restoration for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program

Deadline : Pre-Application due August 13, 2019 by 4:00 PM PDT; Final Application due September 3, 2019

Amount: Not specified. Total program funding is $12.75 million

Match : Yes

Eligibility: Public agencies, Indian tribes and nonprofit organizations 

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is seeking grant proposals for projects that will restore or enhance wetlands and result in a net reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and provide important co-benefits. The implementation of the wetland restoration or enhancement must be completed by November 30, 2023.

All eligible projects must include implementation actions that restore or enhance coastal tidal wetlands, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta wetlands, mountain meadows, or seasonal inland wetlands. Projects must provide quantifiable GHG benefits and co-benefits that include monitoring and assessment activities to document GHG benefits and co-benefits achieved through project implementation.

Welcome New Clients and Thank you Renewing Clients

California Consulting welcomes The City of Los Angeles Parks and Recreation Department, El Nido Elementary School District, City of Shafter, Kidango/Alum Rock School District, and El Rancho Union School District as our newest clients! We look forward to collaborating with them to help tranform their vision into their legacy.
California Consulting is honored that W hittier City School District, the City of Chula Vista, the City of Baldwin Park, City of Bell, City of Manteca, and Coachella Valley Unified School District have decided to renew their contracts. Thank you for your continued confidence in our service.
On the Go

Matthew Park met with client Kern High School District to discuss grant opportunities for the District

California Consutng Senior Associate Stephen Sanger met with client City of Fairfield to discuss grant opportunities for the District
7/12/19- California Consulting CEO Steve Samuelian and Directior of Operations Dan Rodriguez  at the CC Exhibitors booth at the ICA Conference in Carlsbad CA. We are proud Bronze Sponsors of ICA
07/15/19- California Consulting Statewide Senior Director Holly Bachman recently attended the League of California Cities Joint Division Membership Meeting. Over 100 individuals were in attendance. Congratulations to LOCC for a successful event!
California Consulting Senior Associate Mario Santoyo spoke at the Fresno COG Board Meeting and presented an update on California Consulting grant work in the region.
07/25/19- California Consulting Director of Operations, Dan Rodriguez, attended the League of California Cities Inland Empire Division Meeting on July 25th. Dan is pictured with Aquanetta Warren,
Mayor of Fontana.
07/26/19- California Consulting, Inc  was invited by Assemblyman Mike Gipson to do a presentation about grant funding in his District. The event was a full house packed with participants. California Consulting Statewide Senior Director  Holly Choon Hyang Bachman  and Director of Operations  Dan Rodriguez  conducted the presentation. Many thanks to Assemblyman Gipson and Senior Field Representative  Michelle Chambers