Welcome Back!
Welcome back to Rapid City Public Library! We were very glad to continue to serve the community over the past months at the drive-thru window and virtually, but realize that is not a full library experience for most people. There are still challenges in the community, and we all need to do our part to keep as healthy as possible, but we know there is a need for full library services too. So, we're doing our best to balance both those needs.

There are many changes in place at the library. Only 75 people may be in the library at a time, so we are continuing to encourage use of the drive-thru for pick up and drop off service. Those entering the library may certainly browse the collections, have questions answered, make copies, have documents notarized, etc. But once you've completed your library transactions, please vacate the building to allow others to enter. The majority of our events will be online rather than in-person; be sure to check these out!

Face coverings (mouth and nose) are required for anyone over age 2. Food and beverages will no longer be allowed, and computers may be used for only one hour a day. All furnishings have been spaced for appropriate social distancing, although there are some tables in the children's area that are reserved for family use.

Only children 12 and over may be unaccompanied by an adult in the library. For their safety, children 11 and under must have a caregiver with them at all times.

We will also have designated hours for families with young children (Tuesdays, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.) and for senior citizens and those with compromised immune systems (Wednesdays, 9:00 -11:00 a.m.).  Please respect the hours for these groups now, so we can hopefully all share the library again in the not-too-distant future!

None of these changes will make for a library experience like we've been used to. But we hope that it will at least allow community members to use their public library more completely again, and will get us all to the time when we are through the pandemic and discover our new service 'normal.'

Welcome back to the library, and please share any thoughts or concerns with me or with other library staff.
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