Digital Pulse
iEXCEL's Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 4
October 2017
Global leadership
in transforming human performance & effectiveness in health care
Connecting Omaha and Scottsbluff
On Oct. 2, the UNMC Omaha and Scottsbluff campuses celebrated the first iEXCEL statewide connection event via a 2D interactive digital iWall at each site.
This historic event
involved two sessions that included demonstrations of real time, instantaneous collaboration between students and faculty from UNMC’s Colleges of Nursing and Dentistry. Chancellor Jeffrey Gold emphasized the tremendous potential of these iWalls for distance learning and cross-campus engagement.
The daytime session included an inaugural ceremony led by Chancellor Gold. UNMC Deans Juliann Sebastian (Nursing) and Janet Guthmiller (Dentistry), along with Associate Vice Chancellor Pamela Boyers (iEXCEL), led the evening ceremony. The evening event featured the Scottsbluff/Gering and Greater Omaha Chambers of Commerce performing a formal ribbon cutting, thus launching the first in a series of statewide interconnected iWalls.
"We are very excited to be the first college of nursing campus to house an iWall enabling collaboration with the Omaha iWall. The connectivity provides opportunities for students from other campuses to interact with our students, which provides a rich learning environment. We are extremely grateful to our legislature, donors and administration for their support of this project,"
Sue Wilhelm, PhD, assistant dean of the UNMC College of Nursing West Nebraska Division in Scottsbluff.
Here is a sample of the stories featured in local publications
and on media stations:
Check out the video below capturing highlights of the event.
Announcing 2017 iEXCEL Showcases
Open to Students, Faculty and Staff
Three events to highlight the current array of iEXCEL simulation and visualization resources available to students, faculty and staff of UNMC / Nebraska Medicine are planned. Attendees will gain a better understanding about how iEXCEL's simulation and visualization experts and technologies can help enhance and enrich teaching, learning and research. The showcases will be in an open house format, and no registration is required.
Monday, Oct. 30
11:00am – 1:30pm
Michael F. Sorrell Center Commons
Featured Technolog
- iBench - intuitive stereoscopic 3D system responsive to users' movements and actions
- SimMan 3G - patient simulator that can help improve critical time management, decision making, communication and handovers between departments
Thursday, Nov. 9
11:00am – 1:30pm
Durham Research Center I
iBench, Apollo Patient Simulator
Thursday, Dec. 14
11:00am – 1:30pm
University Tower,
Private Dining Room (PDR) B
iBench, Apollo Patient Simulator
iEXCEL Simulation Technology Demonstration &
Evaluation Open House - Nov. 2-3
The technology demonstration / evaluation open house, originally scheduled for Sept. 7-8, has been
Nov. 2-3, 2017.
Students, faculty and staff of UNMC / Nebraska Medicine are encouraged to attend and provide feedback on the simulation technology under consideration for the Davis Global Center. The feedback collected is important to the iEXCEL selection process.
Click on the image below to view the flyer.
Sorrell Clinical Simulation Lab
Critical Care Nurses Practice New Skills
in Simulation Lab
Newly hired Nebraska Medicine ICU nurses practiced challenging care scenarios. A rotating schedule highlighted three different patient scenarios: ‘
has a worsening tension pneumothorax in the OR; ‘
goes into heart failure, while '
SimWoman 3G'
experiences a hemorrhagic stroke.
“This training activity has been a great addition to the staff members’ Critical Care Fellowship classes,” said
Jessica Strickler, clinical education coordinator for the MICU/SICU
who initiated this important and appreciated simulation activity.
Peers were able to observe scenario participants via live stream. In debriefing sessions, participants concluded that simulation scenarios better prepare them for real life critical experiences that will be encountered. ICU nurses will return to practice scenarios such as septic shock patient care, care of the ICU patient and unit specific training. By partnering with Nebraska Medicine, iEXCEL is able to provide expertise to improve patient safety and quality of care through simulation.
A featured ad in the August 2017 edition of Defence Global focused on the Center for Advanced Surgical Technology (CAST), which will expand its footprint with a collaborative space within the Davis Global Center.
Click here to see full ad.
iEXCEL has welcomed over
3,100 visitors
to date. In the recently completed fiscal year, July 2016 through June 2017, iEXCEL measured:
iEXCEL Activities at a Glance
iEXCEL Team Presents at
NM&SC 2017 National Meeting
The National Modeling & Simulation Coalition (NM&SC) held its 2017 National Meeting in Dearborn, MI on Sept. 25-26:
Modeling, Simulation and Visualization: Revolutionizing Analytics, Manufacturing, Healthcare and Product Design.
As a member of the NM&SC Policy Committee, Dr. Boyers served on the organizing committee and moderated a panel discussion focusing
Healthcare Simulation: MS&V Application to Healthcare Training & Technology
. Bill Glass, director of visualization and technology, iEXCEL; and Suzanne Torroni-Roberts, executive director for business development, iEXCEL, also attended with Bill as a panelist, and Suzanne facilitating important business opportunities with industry attendees. Other panelists included experts in modeling and simulation in health care.
“Virtual Humans and High Speed Networks”
Marjorie Zielke, PhD, Director of the Center for Modeling and Simulation;
Professor, Practice of Arts and Technology
University of Texas at Dallas
“Simulation Applications at Michigan Medicine and Modeling &
Simulation Collaborations”
James Cooke, MD, Executive Director, Clinical Simulation Center; Assistant Professor, Departments of Family Medicine and Learning Health Sciences, Michigan Medicine
“Viz/Sim and Future Technology 4 Healthcare and Higher Education”
Bill Schmidt, Sales Director,
Visualization Advocate, AVI-SPL
“A Journey of Augmented Reality
in Surgical Planning"
Bill Glass, MS, Director, Visualization & Technology, iEXCEL, UNMC
UNMC iEXCEL will be hosting the 2018 NM&SC National Meeting
Sept. 24-26, 2018. Additional information to come.
As always, thank you for your continued interest, support and engagement with iEXCEL.
Sincere Regards – Pam Boyers, PhD, Associate Vice Chancellor, iEXCEL
Keep in mind that we would appreciate your input! For example, if there is an area of focus that you believe should be included in our newsletter, please do not hesitate to share your thoughts or recommendations by emailing
Davis Global Center Webcam
Peek in on the construction progress via the
webcam by clicking
here. The Global Center webcam provides a ‘camera view’ or ‘live video’.