Volume 9, Issue #31 - August 8, 2019
In the name of Christ, we embrace all people to be nourished and empowered by the Holy Spirit to love and serve the world.
For Whom The Bell Tolls’
was written by John Donne in 1624 and still rings true today, especially in the context of the Soil Collection Service and the Anniversary Commemoration Event described below.
Donne's sermon was about how we are a community; no man is an island. Any of us may encounter death at any moment. When someone dies, the bell rings. People may ask who died, but Donne says there is no need to ask, because we are all connected. If
dies, it is as if
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
John Donne (1572-1631)
Devotions upon Emergent Occasions
Sunday, August 18, 2:00 p.m.
at the Paul Sawyier Public Library, River Room
in memory of individuals whose lives were tragically lost to lynchings in Franklin County.
Presented by Focus on Race Relations: Frankfort
with the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, AL
Who will toll Ascension's bell?
Please contact Craig Aossey to participate:
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia Bishop James B. Magness invite Episcopal churches to take part in a national action to remember and honor the first enslaved Africans who landed in English North America in 1619 by tolling their bells for one minute on
Sunday, August 25, 2019, at 3:00 pm ET.
Watch Presiding Bishop Curry’s video message
“The National Park Service is commissioning, and asking, churches and people from around this country to commemorate and remember that landing and the bringing of those first enslaved Africans to this country by ringing bells. And if possible, by tolling the bells of churches and to do so on August 25 at 3:00 in the afternoon,” said Curry. “I’m inviting us as The Episcopal Church to join in this commemoration as part of our continued work of racial healing and reconciliation. At 3:00 pm we can join together with people of other Christian faiths and people of all faiths to remember those who came as enslaved, who came to a country that one day would proclaim liberty. And so we remember them and pray for a new future for us all.”
This national bell ringing is among the Healing Day events being held at
Fort Monroe National Monument
to commemorate the 400th anniversary of that landing.
Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs
Have you heard the news? Our search is over!
begins September 3.
School days, school days are just around the corner. As in years past, we will be providing our 2019 Reading Camp participants with a collection of required school supplies, at a cost of about $30 per child. As you are able, please donate to support the continued success of our Reading Campers by helping to provide these supplies. Make your check payable to ‘Church of the Ascension’ and be sure to write
Reading Camp
in the memo. If you have questions, contact Deacon Rebecca (
). Thank you!
Laura Buffenmyer and Frances Kirchhoff will lead Vacation Bible School at the
Stewart Home School
again this year, on the school premises. These special students are regulars at Ascension’s Sunday morning services at 8:00 a.m. They are a joy and a blessing to all around them! Please contact Frances Kirchhoff (
francesck@ bellsouth.net
or 502-227-0637) to learn more about this program.
This series of summer recitals will feature one of our own on
Friday, August 16, at 7:00 p.m.
It is a benefit performance for Simon House, so... y’all come!
Ascension’s John Martin, organist, and Amy Britton, local violinist,
will perform a concert of violin pieces by Bach, Bartok, Haesche, & Kreisler, as well as
organ compositions of Bach, Karg-Elert and Vierne.
For more information about the series
with Deacon Rebecca
Sundays, June 1 - August 18
All school-age youth are invited;
Gather in the parish hall at 9:15 a.m.
will meet next on August 17, 2019 (every other Saturday), in the parish library at 10:00 a.m. This group endeavors to bring men and youth to Christ through the three-fold disciplines of Prayer, Study and Service. Contact William Legg (
) for details.
group meets every Saturday morning, 10:00 - 10:30. All are invited and welcome to come and explore this ancient technique, meeting in the main church. For more information, contact Scott Kimbel,
Schedules & Teams
* UPDATED: August 11 - January 26
as of 8/8/19 *
August 11, 2019
Daily Office Lectionary
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Week of Proper 14, Year One – BCP 976
- BREAKFAST begins at 8:50 a.m. - free of charge to those in need; others may pay a small amount as able.
- ADULTS gather at 9:15 a.m. in the library for "The Preacher's Forum."
- CHILDREN & YOUTH: Christian Formation/Sunday School: All ages please gather in the parish hall to go upstairs together as a group. Latecomers must be escorted by a parent to the upstairs classroom. Children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend all church services; a nursery is available for younger children starting at 9:15 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - Rite I
- Chalice Bearer: Frances Kirchhoff
- Lector: Mike Oder
- PoP: Julia Tyson
- Acolyte: Angela Goetter
10:30 a.m. - Rite II
- Chalice Bearer: Jim King
- Lector: Jim Kimbrough
- Acolytes:
- C: Ava Marie Allison
- T: Lucy Saunderson & Peyton Heady
- Jubilee Streamers as available
- Ushers: Kristi & Laura Buffenmyer
- Altar Guild: T1 - Suzanne Cox
- Men's Club: T5 - Geoff Pinkerton, William Legg, Pauline Van Horn, Skip Hunt
TWO needed
VESTRY LOCKUP DUTY & Coffee Hour Coordinator this week:
Leah MacSwords
- Vestry member responsible for lockup will also coordinate or supply snacks for Coffee Hour (reimbursable expense) and ensure kitchen cleanup is complete.
- Jan Stevens is our Hospitality Coordinator - contact her by email at jstevens5@aol.com to discuss Coffee Hour questions, needs and procedures. If you can bring treats but need a helper, or vice versa, Jan can help you team up!
Intercessions for the Church:
Non-Parochial, Non-Stipendiary, Non-Resident and Retired Clergy.
Recently in need of prayers:
Angela; Dan; Debbie; the Duncan Family; Faye & Steve; Geoff & Heidi; Janice; John; Josh; June; Linda & Bill; Peter; Rebecca; Shawn; Vic.
Continuing concern:
Betty; Collin; Darlene; David; Dillard; Doris & Charlie; Harry; Holly; Isaiah; James; Janet; Jean; Jim & Debbie; Jinks; John; Julia; Lee; Mac; Marilyn; Mary; Melissa; Natalie; Polly; Scott & Kathy; and Sherri. We also pray for those on active duty in the military: Daniel, Houston, Mary Jo, Nick, Seth, and Tanner.
8/12 – Harrison Frost, Martha Moore; 8/14 – Susie French; 8/15 – Anthony Lee, Leah MacSwords, Tori Word.
8/17 – William Legg & Leah MacSwords.
Recently Deceased:
(mother of Michal Smith-Mello).
Part of the strength of this congregation is our care and concern for each other. Please help us to do this by letting the church office know when you are ill, hospitalized, or otherwise in need of prayer and/or visitation. We especially want to serve you during these times.
Also, if we don’t have your birthday or anniversary on file, or if it appears incorrectly, please let us know!
Call the office at
(messages are checked Tuesday thru Friday), or email
10:30 AM RITE II - John Martin,
- Prelude: Ich ruf’zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (I call to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ) - Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
- Opening Hymn: Hymnal 533 - How wondrous and great - Lyons
- Gloria: Hymnal 421
- Gradual Psalm: Psalm 50:1-8, 23-24 - Deus deorum
- Gospel Acclamation
- Offertory: Wenn wir in höchsten Nöthen sein (When in the hour of utmost need) - Johann Sebastian Bach
- Sanctus: S 124
- Fraction Anthem: S 161
- Communion Meditation: Alle Menschen müssen sterben (Hark! A voice saith, all are mortal) - Johann Sebastian Bach
- Closing Hymn: Hymnal 637 - How firm a foundation - Lyons
- Postlude: Vater unser im Himmelreich (Our Father who art in heaven) - Johann Sebastian Bach
This organ music is from Bach’s collection of chorale preludes,
Das Orgelbüchlein,
known as
The Liturgical Year.
Ritesong Online Music Library
Clergy and Staff
- The Rev. Dr. William G. Brown, Associate Rector Emeritus
- The Rev. Deacon Rebecca A. Saager, Curate
- The Rev. Deacon Susan E. Kurtz, Deacon
- Mr. John B. Martin, Director of Music & Organist
- Ms. Mona Landrum Proctor, Parish & Financial Administrator
- Mr. David Gierlach, Sexton
Copyright © 2019 Church of the Ascension. All Rights Reserved.