All You Need to Know Reopening Questions & Answers

When will we resume onsite worship?  Sunday, June 7th at our regular 8:30 & 10:30 times.

What do I bring?  A mask & a pen or pencil. Please stay home if you aren’t feeling well.

What entrance should I use?  We will use the door by the office for the entrance and the door by the sanctuary for the exit.

Will there be markings on the ground so families/individuals stay safe distance on entering?  Yes.

Will someone be counting at the entrance so we stay within the approved capacity?  Yes.

Will the online worship service continue to be posted at 9am on Sundays for those not coming back yet?  Yes.

What happens as we come in?
  • A forehead thermometer check. Anything over 99 is considered unwell.
  • Mask check.
  • Stop at the sanitizing station.
  • Sign last name on an attendance sheet.

How about when we enter the sanctuary?
  • Find a chair grouping for the size of your party. Chairs will be in groupings of 1-5 chairs, with each group separated 6 feet from the next group.
  • Remove the “I am sanitized card” off the chair & place under the chair.
  • Keep mask on.

Do we pick up nametags?  We won’t have them out for now.

It’s uncomfortable wearing masks, so how long with the service be?  It will be short, about 30 minutes long.

What about singing?  We won’t be singing for a while because of the difficulty doing so wearing a mask and also research about how much is spread in the air when singing.

What about bulletins?  We won’t have bulletins. All will be on the screen.

What about the offering?  We will have an offering basket on a stand by the entrance.

What about communion?  On communion Sundays there will be a sealed juice & wafer cup on each seat for communion later in the service. Dispose of your empty cup into the designated basket when exiting. For those who need gluten free, there will be a basket by the offering plate to pick up a sealed gluten free wafer.

How will we leave at the end of the service?  Pastor Deb will dismiss by sections and you are asked to practice safe distancing upon exiting. The exit is the door off the narthex.

What about Sunday School for the kids?  There will be Everkids, and the kids will go right downstairs after they sanitize their hands when they enter. Sunday School will go the entire time of worship.  There will be a younger & an older class, each will have a maximum of 10, including the teacher. They will use the stairs by the office. Sarah has details for those who would like more information.

What about coffee fellowship or hanging around to visit?  No coffee fellowship for now. Visit using safe distance in the parking lot. Avoid visiting in the hallways, narthex or other areas.

What about the bathrooms?  One person or family in at a time. You will sanitize before entering at a station outside the door. Be sure to use good washing practices before exiting. Our custodian Gayla is planning to sanitize the bathroom after each use. 

What about the other areas of the building?  They will be closed, including the kitchen. Because of the stronger sanitizing practices now in place, we are trying to limit the work around this. {Sarah for Youth Group will be using the kitchen because lunch is part of their gatherings.}

Will handshakes, hugs & other physical contact be avoided?  Yes.

Will the chairs used at 8:30, as well as door handles, be sanitized between services?  Yes.

Will we still be able to glorify God, pray for others and grow in our faith as we gather side by side with our brothers and sisters of the faith?  A very big YES !

{Thanks to the Worship Relaunch Team, the Building Relaunch Team and Pastor Deb for researching and applying the guidelines for churches so we can have a safe and meaningful worship experience when we resume.}
Six Sayings for Strength
  • If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there, Lord, your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. – Psalm 139:9-10
  • If plan A doesn’t work out, the alphabet has 25 more letters - Unknown
  • I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure. - Psalm 16:8-9
  • You never know how strong you are . . . until being strong is the only choice you have. – Cayla Mills
  • Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. – Deuteronomy 31:6
  • Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying “I will try again tomorrow.” – Mary Ann Radmacher
Vacation Bible School & Youth Mission Trip
Because of the COVID19 restrictions, it deeply saddens us that VBS & the Youth Mission Trip planned for this summer will not happen as planned. However, Sarah is working on some alternatives, so keep your ears open.

Bring Your Own Picnic by Your Car Gatherings? Zoom Bingo?
Just a couple of the ideas we are looking at to have some fun this summer and still keep ourselves safe. The Program Relaunch Team invites you to share any ideas you might have. Please send to Pastor Deb.
“Daily Response to the Word” Continuing
We are blessed that Pastor Dean will continue bringing us the Daily Response to the Word each day. If you haven’t checked it out, be sure to do so.

When Will Activities & Meetings Resume Onsite?
The Building Relaunch Team decided just to start with worship onsite for June. They will meet again mid-June with hopes that in July we could expand for these other onsite events, with guidelines. We realize some folk might want to still attend meetings via zoom & are encouraging facilitators to also provide that option.
Zapotoczny Family Moving to Ken Caryl Ranch
Andrew, Katie, Will & Jake Zapotoczny have been an active and valued part of our church family. Andrew & Katie have have given leadership and service in many ministry areas. Will & Jake have been a big part of our EverKids program. They move on June 5th, and we hope we will still get to see them often. We send them to their new home with much appreciation, love and blessings.
Ministry Jottings

It’s fitting that we celebrate Pentecost at the same time we are getting ready for our reopening/relaunch. Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit comes to the disciples and others gathered, is a powerful image for us to claim. It signals rebirth, new divine energy, new commitment to Christ and new commitment for how the church does ministry for Christ for the needs of today.  

We are in this particular season as a church because of what has been thrust upon us, rather than the times we slowly volunteer to reexamine what God is calling to us to do and be about. It’s exciting, it’s scary, it’s what it means to shed that which is encumbering us. To shed bringing a lack-luster rather than a passionate Gospel to a world in need. Because of being away from one another and staying home, we have had our spirits cleansed and reformed. We are more receptive to listening for God’s direction, rather than our own. 
We are no longer in patterns which kept our eyes focused downward to stay on the same track. Yes, there are many familiar things which we will return to doing as we have been doing.  And, I pray, there will also be many things which will seem fresh and new to us, including reaching out to those who are seeking a lively, committed to Christ, faith community.

I’m glad from the inside out, ecstatic. I’ve pitched my tent in the land of hope . . . .You’ve got my feet on the life-path, with your face shining all around. – Acts 2: 26 & 28 The Message

Pastor Deb Olenyik
It is with much gratitude and appreciation that we say Happy Retirement to two of our Great Escape teachers: Randi Murray and Andrea Bedwell.

Randi Murray has taught at The Great Escape since September 1994. During her 26 years, Randi has taught every age group in the school. She settled in teaching the older Preschoolers but would jump at any opportunity to be with the younger children. She particularly loved the infants and young toddlers. 

Randi was always ready to jump in whenever and wherever needed. She always has lots of ideas and suggestions. I will miss coming in on a Monday morning when Randi would enter the office and say "I've been thinking...." Always great ideas. Always creative ideas. Always helpful suggestions. 

Thank you Randi for being a gift to our community. Thank you being a special teacher and friend to so many children in Evergreen. The children in your classes over the years were very fortunate to have had you as a leader, teacher and role model.
Andrea Bedwell joined The Great Escape in May 2014. Andrea has been a wonderful addition to the Preschool team. She has taken our Spanish enrichment program to new levels, giving the children the love of learning a second language.  

The Great Escape will miss these two very special ladies. We wish them Happy Retirement and we thank them for all they have done for the children of Evergreen.
We have been praying for Kathryn Mueller who was in hospice since the 14th of April. It is with deep sympathy that the church received a note from her daughter, Karyn Mueller informing us of Kathryn's passing as of April 18th.

Kathryn Mueller and her husband were founding members of the United Methodist Church of Evergreen and their work for the church was greatly appreciated.

Notes of sympathy can be sent to Karyn Mueller at:; Phone: (303) 585-0180. Her obituary can be found here.
Our beloved, longtime choir director {Sandy} and choir accompanist/organist {Keron} Sandusky have announced their retirement as of June 1. In making this announcement they shared, “We can't express how difficult this decision has been. . . . We have enjoyed every minute of our many years of service in these roles.”

Pastor Deb shared, “We will greatly miss having Sandy & Keron in these important worship and music leadership roles for us. They have been dedicated and generous in sharing their talents in so many ways over the years. Their music ministry has been a backbone of our worship. We deeply appreciate all they have given. We pray for their health & enjoyment for the months and years ahead. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to do the grand send-off they so deserve because of gathering restrictions. I am confident our congregation will find ways to individually express their love and gratitude. We will still connect with them as a church family and continue the close relationship we have with them. “

The Staff Parish Committee, along with a few selected others connected to our worship and music ministry, will explore what directions God is calling the music ministry to go as we prepare to move forward.  We are deeply grateful to Karen Hines and Terry Vogt for their willingness to expand their music roles to fill our needs for the immediate future.
The Staff Parish Relations Team is pleased to announce that Tracy Atlas has accepted the position of serving as our church bookkeeper/payroll officer. She will begin her transition into this role starting Monday, May 18th. Finance Chairperson & Treasurer, Matt Sailor will be training Tracy during the coming weeks.

During the interview process, Tracy's recent graduation with a Master of Professional Accounting from CSU Global, her experience in the non-profit sector, and her current part-time work as the bookkeeper for her husband’s veterinary business made her an excellent candidate for this position. We also believe she will bring new ideas and improvements to our financial processes which will benefit our church.  In addition, Tracy has been an active member of our church, giving particular energy to our missions work, and is currently serving on The Barefoot Mile planning team for Joy International. We are truly blessed to have her join our staff.

Originally from the Denver area, she attended college in upstate New York and has lived in Evergreen since 2014 with her husband, two daughters, and four pets. In her free time, Tracy enjoys attending her kids’ many activities, running on the local trails with her dogs, or trying to keep up with her husband on the ski slopes. Tracy is excited to be part of the UMCE community.
Great Escape Resuming June 9 with Limited Summer Program
Great Escape director, Julie Cleminshaw, announced their program will resume in a limited way beginning June 9. They have been given the okay by the Colorado Department of Human Services, Early Learning Division.  As long as nothing changes between now and then, they will operate three days a week. 

Here are some of the guidelines they will be operating with:

  • Temperature checks done daily on both staff and children
  • Staff wearing masks as all times
  • Contactless drop off and pick up.  Parents will not be permitted to enter the building & are to remain in their vehicle.
  • Outside entry will be through the lower level classroom door, instead of the usual one by the church office
  • The main level of the church will not be used at all
  • Extra cleaning and sanitizing will be done daily
  • Classes will not mix, including on the playground, and maximum class size is 10.

Julie shared, “ It has been a long eight weeks for us all. We are so excited to be getting back to what we love to do, and to provide this much missed and needed program for our families. Thank you for continuing to allow us to occupy space in the church building to serve our community.
We are continuing all our regular programs in their usual time slots, though will be shorter. Let Sarah know if interested so she can provide connecting information. 
Youth Group Coffee Talk
12pm-1pm on Sundays with a devotional, discussion and check-ins.
Kids Action Pack
9:30am on Sundays.
EverKids Sunday School
10:30am on Sundays and includes a lesson, discussion and even a craft.
Kids Heroes of the Bible Study
4pm on Wednesdays with a short check in, Bible study, devotional, and craft.
Growing a community of faith by serving a world of need and changing lives. We affirm a spirit of openness and hospitality to all, including persons of all races, ages, genders, sexual orientations, financial strata, and abilities who seek a closer walk with God.

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