The Justice Ride Continued...
We spent the day in Huntington Beach displaying our message to the tens of thousands of people at the boardwalk. These students spent over an hour asking Hannah questions and listening to the truth. They had never talked to "those people" before and loved the conversation, surprised at how much we cared. Click on the photo below and listen in on one minute of the dialogue.

Click on arrow in picture
"I'm the proud father of two abortions"
These are the alarming words of the man, below, who will someday answer for that admission. Click the arrow in the photo (one-minute clip) and hear him and my response to his dark spirit.
Emmarsyn (below) from Ohio joined our team during the Justice Ride. She has a great spirit and is a very effective communicator, even to surfers.
Our team goes to the beach to witness and get suntans. Below is Carole presenting truth to the lost as her husband Dave looks on. It was great to have Dave Vaughn help us out for a few days. I love these two signs. So much in so few words.
Below, Matt and Sam shared with those walking the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica. It is an outdoor mall where people from all over the world stroll the closed off street to meet the Project Truth team... well, maybe they didn't plan on meeting us.
Beth did well to challenge the people seeing our displays. Asking questions is a great technique for getting people to think.

Our outreach took us to UCLA during their first week of summer school.
The administration wasn't very thrilled that we were on the campus and had the mascot let me know.

Hope and Carole stood guard over our signs and passed out our very effective brochure that has a new page describing the abortion pill dangers. We made a few changes to the "Unlocking the Truth" literature that has made it even more powerful for the reader.
The UCLA student on the bike told us she works for Lila Rose and the LiveAction program. For some of the time she debated with us about our use of the photos of injustice and its effectiveness. After some discussion she told us that she was going to rethink her ideas and thanked us for coming on her campus.
One-on-one throughout each day on the mission field.
Abortion Clinic to the Stars
On the edge of Beverly Hills and Hollywood sets an abortion center that prides itself in doing abortions up to birth. We made our presence known to all the neighborhood and talked with people going in and out of the building complex. Not sure what this guy did with the garbage can, but he willingly took the information. Many people walking by did not know that this place was an abortion center.
Our first West Coast Justice Ride is complete with more to come. Those warriors on the trip loved the adventure. It is awesome to obey God's Word and "live out the race set before us."
"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."
I Cor. 15:58
Twice this Fall we will be standing with the CBR program on some large college campuses. Their displays are the 15-foot structures you saw on the SFSU campus last Spring. I recently watched a short video clip of a student who testifies of the impact the display had on her when she approached the presentation. Please click on the photo and then continue to pray for our success as we change the minds of college students and "tear down their strongholds" so the Gospel can make its way into their lives.

Click on the arrow in the photo for the two-minute clip
The Fall 2019 College Schedule
Aug.26-27 Mon/Tues   Cal State Hayward

Sept. 3-4 Tues/Wed   Yuba College
Sept. 9-10 Mon/Tues   Consumnes River College
Sept 16-20 All week   Eastern Washington, Washington State Colleges Gap Project

Sept 30   Frank Turek University of the Pacific  

October 7-11   Cal State Long Beach and Cal State Los Angeles - GAP
October 15-16   Santa Rosa College
October 22-23  San Jose State
October 28-30 Small colleges leaflet blitz
One more thing...

Three weeks ago those of us outside the Planned Parenthood killing center were threatened with a gun as a couple tried to make their way into the abortion clinic. The gun was in his waist. I called the police and the man was arrested, the gun taken away from him and he was charged with five counts. He stood before a judge and was convicted of one "nothing" charge and is out on the streets, due in part to the weak decision of Assistant District Attorney Peter French. Our city is not safe because of our troubled government officials. Please pray for God to raise up competent people to run our local government so we can be a safer community. Thank you for your constant prayers for those warriors who put their lives on the line to rescue babies and their mommies from the darkness.

Here is a photo of the criminal just before the incident.
Thank you for standing with me
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At the Well Ministries
P.O. Box 78025
Stockton, CA. 95267