TRUSD school board met for a regular board meeting at the District Office in McClellan Park.
Read highlights from the meeting.
News, Notes & Votes
Twin Rivers Unified School District
August 7, 2019
Our mission: To inspire each student to extraordinary achievement every day.
1. Present - SELPA and Special Education Goal Update
The purpose of this presentation was to update the Board of Trustees on the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) and the 2019-2020 goals for the Special Education department.
The following Board Policies are attached for a first reading as recommended by California School Boards Association and district administration: BP 1312.1 Complaints Concerning District Employees, BP 1313 Civility Policy, BP 5131.2 Bullying, BP 5132 Dress and Grooming, and BP 6142.1 Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention. These Board Policies have been reviewed and updated by district administration. The Superintendent recommended review of the attachments online.