Important News for Our Clients
August Insights


 “The bad news is nothing lasts forever. The good news is nothing lasts forever.”
― J. Cole

This August, we find ourselves in the longest economic expansion in U.S. history, as the nation’s gross domestic product has been growing for the past 121 consecutive months. You might think that’s cause for celebration. Yet many people fear a good thing can only last so long. While it is prudent to anticipate ups and downs in the market, I believe there are still economic factors that point to greater market potential.

Did you know that in many states, parents do not have the authority to make healthcare decisions for their 18-or-older, college-age children, even if your son or daughter is on your health insurance plan? In the first article, read about the importance of creating a durable power of attorney and review other important to-do’s before sending your child off to college (or wherever they’re heading after high school). Next, tune into a thoughtful discussion on the effects of Early Decision on college applicants, their parents and the universities themselves. Use the third article to select the last few books for your summer reading list—especially a must if you’re planning a last-minute trip before school starts. Finally, the last article touches on some of the recession fears Americans are experiencing.

If you are wondering about the current state of the market, would like to discuss the topics in this letter or have any other questions I could answer, please reach out. I hope you enjoy these last few weeks as summer comes to an end.
Articles of Interest

Whether it’s a four-year college, gap year, trade school or a year abroad, the years after your child graduates college and leaves home can be filled with so many emotions. As you prepare for the adventure ahead, consider these six important tasks which are frequently overlooked.

For the millions of parents who will navigate the world of college admission this school year, you may consider whether to apply for Early Decision. Here are some of the factors to consider when deciding where—and when—to apply.
Summer is almost over, but that doesn’t mean you can’t add a few new books to your reading list. (Or finally start your reading list, for that matter!) The New York Times has compiled this list of 75 great reads.

Although many economic indicators still point to growth, a recent report found that 48% of middle-class American say they fear a major recession. Investing can be an emotional rollercoaster and this recent data sheds light on how Americans are feeling about the economy these days.

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