Presentation ECC Weekly Newsletter
Our Lady of the Presentation
Early Childhood Center
ECC Families,

Good afternoon. I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I think I am ready for the rain to be done. However my daughter lives in Minnesota and she just sent me a snapchat of it snowing... I know I'm not ready for that! This past week we talked about Fire Safety and took part in lots of activities to help make us aware of what to do in case of a fire We had lots of visitors too. We would like to thank all of our families for participating in the cookie dough fundraiser. If you would still like to turn in your order form or make a donation we will continue to accept order forms through Tuesday. After Tuesday we will prepare the orders and send off the check so they can process our order and get it shipped out right away. More information will come out about pick up when we get a delivery date. Teachers will be finishing up your child's first assessment. During this first period we are focusing on social/emotional and physical skills. Parents should expect to be able to review their child's assessment by the end of the month. We will have a little down time before gearing up for the end of the month activities. Don't forget OLP school is hosting a Trunk or Treat this Friday. This is a fun family event I encourage you to check it out if your family is available. More information can be found in the school section below. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and GO CHIEFS!

God Bless,

Catherine M. Koob
Thanksgiving Feast Save the Date!
Our annual Thanksgiving Feasts will be here before you know it. More information will be coming out in the weeks to come but for now we wanted to make sure you have the date your child's class is scheduled to attend so you can start to make plans.

ECC Fundraiser
We are wrapping up our fundraiser. We have had a great response and we appreciate your participation. If you still have orders to turn in we will be accepting them until Tuesday. More information about how pickup will be handled when we get our delivery date. We will have center total and classroom totals announced in next weeks update. Below is a link to the letter and a flyer with pictures of some of the items we would love to be able to purchase for the playgrounds!

Sandy Braun picture ordering
Pictures are ready to be viewed and online ordering will continue through this week. A flyer for ordering went home last week. To view pictures please use the link below and go to "Clients" then choose OLP ECC open gallery put in your email address and the case sensitive password Five2018. If you have any questions please contact Sandy at SANDY@SANDYBRAUN.COM 816.916.4636

Halloween Parties
Halloween parties are just around the corner and it is time to start planning. If you have signed up to be a room parent please contact your child's teacher to get started. Below you will find a link to our classroom party guidelines. Parties will be held 10:00 am- 11:00 am on Tuesday, October 30th for the part-time T/Th classes and Wednesday, October 31st for all other classes.

10th Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Are you creative and just dying to share your best family pumpkin design? This is your opportunity to show off! Bring your family pumpkin to our 10th annual pumpkin decorating contest. All you have to do is decorate a pumpkin as a family, make sure your name is visible somewhere on the pumpkin and bring it to the preschool on Monday, October 29th or Tuesday, October 30th before 11:00 am(no sooner please) and place your pumpkin on the sidewalk outside the front entrance.

Halloween Parade
Every year we have a tradition of having our youngest students parade through the preschool and then weather permitting over to the school to walk down the Kindergarten hallway. We love for parents or other family members to attend so you can assist your child through the parade and take their goodies they collect home after. The parade is on Halloween at 9:30 am and we end up back in the classrooms in time for their classroom party!

My Procare
We use a center software management system called Procare. There is an option within the Procare system which allows families to make updates to their contact information, see their tuition account activity and make a payment with their credit card. In order to register you must use the same email address you have on file with us. Below is a link with instructions.

Information about Lice
This time of year there sometimes is a spike in the cases of children with lice. Lice are a nuisance for sure but they are not a health concern. Our policy regarding this is to provide education and support to our families to help prevent and stop the spread. Teachers will not perform classroom lice checks if a child is displaying symptoms the teacher may take the child aside and check for the presence of live lice. If live lice are present we will contact the child's parents and have them pick the child up at their earliest convenience so they can begin the treatment process. Sometimes a courtesy letter may go out to parents but this is not a requirement. A child may return to school 24 hours after treatment. A child will not be sent home if they have nits or be required to stay home. We encourage our parents to take the time to do a thorough check of your child's hair on a regular basis, girls can wear their hair up and coats and hats should be kept on separate hooks and cubbies. Our teachers are very vigilante about keeping their areas clean and making sure students understand not to wear each other coats or hats. If you have questions please email me or give me a call. Below you will find information regarding lice and treatment options.

New Remind Group for 2018-2019
In an effort to keep our communications as up to date as possible we will have a new remind group for the 2018-2019 year. I will keep both groups up until after the first week of school then I will delete the current remind group and only the @eccfam1819 group will remain. Remind is the text app we use to keep all of our families up to date on important information. Below you will find a link to the new remind group for this year.

Families we need you to Like us on Facebook!
Did you know when you like something we post it is more likely our posts will show up in your news feed! We want to get the word out about our preschool!
We are going to do more Tweeting! Make sure you are following us on Twitter! 
Upcoming School Events

Come support the 8th grade students at OLP School by attending their annual Trunk or Treat event!

Upcoming Parish Events