The Atlantic Salmon Conservation Schools Network (ASCSN) is a network of schools studying the conservation of Atlantic Salmon. Miramichi Valley High School is one of the schools involved along with schools from Scotland, United States, Finland, France, Greenland, Germany and Spain. The aim of the network is for schools to study their own local salmon river and share this information with the rest of the network.
During their visit to Miramichi, ASCSN participants experienced recreational activities along with learning about the heritage and conservation efforts on the Miramichi River. We were excited to share this amazing opportunity and showcase the Miramichi River to youth from both shores of the Atlantic Ocean. On July 30th, p articipants in the ASCSN from Scotland, Canada and the USA spent the day at the Miramichi Salmon Conservation Centre competing in casting, fly tying and salmon scale analysis. We'd like to thank volunteers Kari Underhill (Salmon Scale Analysis) and Grant Hendry (Fly Tying).