An Important Message from SoCalREN Regarding COVID-19 and the Multifamily Program
The SoCalREN team is dedicated to serving program participants, including Multifamily Program Participating Contractors. Your safety is our primary concern at this time. We would like to provide an update on Program activities given the “Safer at Home” Order of the State Public Health Officer issued March 19, 2020.

We are pleased to announce that per State and Local guidance, Participating Contractors may resume in-field activities as of May 18, 2020 .

All Participating Contractor staff (and subcontractors) will be required to adhere to the Program’s COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for Multifamily Projects to continue to protect staff, tenants, and property management.

Program staff will continue to work with you and support your projects through remote technologies (such as teleconferences or web-conference) as applicable to maintain project momentum and to ensure that your multifamily customers remain served. You can continue to access links to information and updates from the State as well as all counties served by SoCalREN is by visiting .

We will continue to keep you informed of additional program updates resulting from this unprecedented health concern.
Multifamily Program staff are available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to address any additional questions. You may contact your assigned Account Manager directly, or you may contact the program team using the information below.

SoCalREN Multifamily Program Team
(877) 785-2237
SoCalREN Multifamily Program