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As a member of Ontario Sailing, it is necessary that we have current contact information so that we can communicate with you. If you no longer wish to be listed as a contact for your organization, please contact Ontario Sailing at [email protected] and provide us with alternative contact information.  To ensure that we land in your inbox, don't forget to add [email protected] to your address book. Thank you!

Good Afternoon Ontario Sailing Clubs:

Ontario Sailing is here to support you as together we navigate this constantly changing new environment that we are facing. There have been a lot of questions about various operational pieces for our clubs and we want to offer support.
Lisa Roddie, COAST Manager, will be hosting an online session to share ideas and updates and answer any questions on Wednesday April 1st at 10:00am.  Please RSVP to Lisa ( [email protected] ) by Tuesday March 31st at noon  so login information and finalized timing can be sent out.
The concern is that a large number of clubs have questions and there may be an overwhelming amount of interest. As such, we are asking clubs to limit attendees to 2 people per club. If the response is overwhelming, the group may be broken into smaller groups so please ensure your RSVP includes your organization's name and whether you have full-time year-round staff, summer staff or no staff to help with the division. Note: IF a second group is created, the online session will be in the afternoon at 1:30pm.
We encourage you to forward any questions you would like addressed during the session to Lisa as soon as possible so she has enough time to get correct information for you.
In the meantime, we recognize that a lot of you are struggling to stay in touch with each other and to make decisions.  Therefore we wanted to highlight some information that may be useful regarding meeting electronically. Please CLICK HERE for information regarding online meeting services and tips.

Please also note ... if you are scheduled to have an AGM ... unless your by-laws specifically say that your organization is NOT allowed to meet electronically, by default you CAN hold your AGM electronically. If you are unsure, please send a copy of your by-laws to Lisa at [email protected] and she will be able to help you with this determination.

We look forward to connecting with you next week and in the meantime, don't hesitate to reach out to our staff with any questions.
Glenn Lethbridge
Executive Director, Ontario Sailing Horizontal Logo
