To the community of Saint Paul’s,

During these times when we cannot gather at the church for Sunday worship and other parish activities it is more important than ever that we stay connected in other ways. I am glad so many of you participated in Sunday worship this past week as we gathered around radio or computer. We will continue those broadcast for at least the next two Sundays. We are also exploring options and resources to make other worship and educational opportunities available as we move forward. Dates and times will be shared via email and on the website. In the meantime, your Clergy, Vestry members, and lay pastoral care ministers will be making calls to all our members in the coming days. Please make sure that you have updated us with your current phone number and email address! 

I have no doubt that as a community of deep and abiding faith we will continue “to reach out in love and concern for others,” and offer our common prayers for healing and hope for one another.

During the weeks ahead the staff and clergy will be working by phone and email only. Please do not hesitate to be in touch if you need anything or become aware of anyone who does.

Please join me in the following prayer:

Almighty God: Our times are in your hand. We call upon you in this hour of our need, when we are lonely and must stand apart. Be our strength, O Sovereign Lord, our calm in the midst of raging seas, our refuge and our dwelling place. Sanctify to us this time drawn away from others, even as your Son, O Father, drew away to a lonely place for prayer. Deepen our need of you, O Lord, that every breath may be a whisper of the Spirit’s prompting, a renewed searching of the deep things of God. Stir up in us the great act of intercession, that we may spend our time apart in prayer for the world you created and sustain. Bless us in our turning toward you, and make us a blessing to those who stand in need of you. All this we ask in the name of great the Physician, even Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
