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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                                    May 2018
In This Issue
The 4C's of Tweeting for #familynursing
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
IFNA Conference Committee News
IFNA Community News
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The 4C's of Tweeting for #familynursing

Do you wish to become more skilled in using Twitter to promote family nursing and IFNA?  An IFNA blog post has been developed by IFNA Communications Committee  members, Wilma Schroeder (Canada) and Dr. Joel Anderson (USA) to serve a useful resource for all IFNA members.  

Dr. Lucila Castanheira Nascimento (Brazil) is an associate professor in the Department of Maternal-Infant and Public Health Nursing at the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing, (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development. She is committed to assist families in finding strategies to cope with challenging situations and to strengthen families by designing interventions to promote healthy behaviors. Lucila is a new member of the IFNA Practice Committee[Read more]   
Dr. Donna Marcvisin (USA) is a clinical associate professor at the University of Michigan. She is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and a Certified Diabetes Educator and has cared for families and children with type 1 diabetes for many years. Her passion is focused on developing interventions designed to support families of children with diabetes. Donna is a new member of the IFNA Practice Committee. [Read more] 
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Dr. Connie Kartoz (USA) is a family nurse practitioner and assistant professor at The College of New Jersey. She teaches concepts of family assessment to graduate nursing students using the Calgary Family Assessment and Intervention Models. She also develops and implements simulation scenarios at both graduate and undergraduate levels that include family members. Connie is a new member of the IFNA Education Committee. [Read more]    
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Dr. Midori Asano (Japan) is a professor and Vice Director of the School of Health Sciences, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Nursing, Health Development Nursing. Her research focuses on family well-being in families living with children who have special health care needs.

Dr. Mandie Jane Foster (Australia) is a lecturer and research scholar at Edith Cowan University, School of Nursing and Midwifery. Her research focuses on child- and family-centred care and the experiences, perceptions, and needs of children, parents, families and staff within various healthcare settings globally. Her present research includes children's participation in shared decision-making in hospital, family-centred care within a rural healthcare setting, and serving as co-chair of the newly developed International Network on Child and Family Centred Care with other IFNA members.  [Read more]  

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The IFNA Conference Committee is finalizing selections for major speakers for IFNC14. The committee has gathered extensive professional information for 10 potential keynote speakers from five different countries nominated by IFNA members to address the conference theme, "Social Determinants of Family Health: Expanding Family Nursing Capacity". The committee will prioritize these speakers with the goal of achieving diversity of thought and global representation. IFNC14 will also be a celebration of IFNA's 10th anniversary as an organization. Please begin thinking of how your work in family nursing practice, education, research, and policy may contribute to IFNC14. Watch for the Call for Abstracts and Pre-conference Workshops this summer.

Conference Hashtag: #IFNC14. Please use this hashtag in all of your social media conversations. #IFNC14 has been registered on the Healthcare Hashtag Project website which links this conference to key words such as "nursing" and "family health" and generates metrics about the reach of the #IFNC14 hashtag. Check this website to see who are "The influencers of #IFNC14".
Follow the IFNA blog.
Blog Editor: Dr. Joel Anderson (USA) is a member of the IFNA Communications Committee.
Please remember to cite the IFNA Position Statements in your publications, course outlines, and conference presentations. Also share these Position Statements with local and national nursing and health care leaders and organizations. Social Media Toolkits are available for each IFNA Position Statement.

Please use the following hashtags in your social media conversations:
@IFNAorg, #familynursing, #familyhealth,
This monthly IFNA Newsletter is edited by Dr. Janice M. Bell (Canada), co-chair of the IFNA Communications Committee