April 17, 2020
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Upcoming Events
April 21, 2020 — Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting (virtual), 6:00 p.m.

All District events canceled until further notice.

More event information can be found at:
Update on the Coronavirus
Governor Mike DeWine ordered all of Ohio’s school buildings to remain closed through Friday, May 1, due to the coronavirus health crisis. As we get closer to this date, the Governor said he will re-evaluate his decision and decide on whether to re-open school buildings or continue the building closures.

  • Campus remains closed through May 1. 
  • All District events are canceled through May 1.
  • During this time, access to all facilities, including athletic fields, will be restricted for staff, students, parents, and community members. 
  • Only essential operational staff members will be allowed to access our facilities to continue to provide food and services to our students who need those resources. 

Please continue to monitor the District website and access our COVID-19 webpage for information on important resources. We will continue to keep you updated by our School Messenger system and also utilize our social media channels.

For up-to-date information on COVID-19 visit the CDC website .
FREE Feeding Program
Since Governor DeWine closed Ohio Schools, Kings Food Service has provided breakfast and lunches to those in need. The District has distributed nearly 24,000 meals since March 16 .

The FREE Feeding program will continue on April 20 and April 27. T his program is for all children 18 and under, not just for those on free or reduced meals. Each student will receive 5 breakfasts and 5 lunches at NO COST to the parent.

There are two locations available for food pickup; Joshua's Place or Columbia Intermediate School both locations will hold pickup from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Click here for more information.

Thank you to the Kings Food Service Department and Kings Staff volunteers for feeding our community! #KingsStrong
Remote Learning
As we finish our second week of remote learning, we would like to thank our staff and parents for adjusting to teaching and learning in this new way. We know it isn't easy. Many families are trying to navigate working from home and teaching multiple children with less than desirable internet bandwidth and electronic devices. All we are asking is that you do the best you can!

Our Technology Department noted that in the last 2 weeks, there have been 4,905 Google Meets! That number doesn't include the extra Zoom meetings, phone calls, and teleconferences that have been taking place within our staff. We are seeing really great things from our students that are being shared by teachers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Follow the hashtag #KingsStrong to see many of the cool opportunities our teachers are providing for students.

Pictured is J.F. Burns Elementary first grader, Gabe Mease .
Board of Education Meeting

The Kings Local School District Board of Education will hold their April Regular Meeting on Tuesday, April 21 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will not take place in person. It will be by virtual format. 

Click this link  to watch the meeting.
Update on Technology
A special thanks to our Technology Department who have worked hard to get over 300 devices into the hands of students who needed one for remote learning! If you do not have a device that is sufficient for remote learning, please contact Kings Technology Director, Deann Burns at .
Kings Carryout
Once Governor DeWine called for the closure of indoor dining in restaurants, Joshua's Place created a fundraiser to benefit both local restaurants and families in need.

Through the Kings Carryout program, the Kings community has donated $3,500 to purchase $20 gift cards from our local restaurants to help them out but also help our neediest families.

The  Warren County Foundation  has provided a $5,000 matching grant to the Joshua’s Place Carryout Program for donations given to the  Kings Local School District. This means your donations are doubled!

Go to  and double your donation to help our Kings families!
Kings Spring Athletic Signing
Thirteen student-athletes made their official commitments to colleges and universities at the Kings Athletic Department’s Virtual Spring Signing Day on Wednesday, April 15.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the student-athletes were celebrated in a  virtual signing ceremony . Not only were these students great in the athletic arena, but they were also impressive in the classroom with a cumulative grade point average of 3.57! Below is the list of athletes, sports and schools they are attending. Congratulations!

  • Brooke Garter – Belmont University (Cross Country/T&F)
  • Kayla Matson - Northern Kentucky University (Women's Golf)
  • Ella Schmidt - Davis & Elkins College (Women's Soccer)
  • Xavier Legault - Lourdes University (Wrestling)
  • Hunter Henry – Hanover College (Football)
  • Ryan Vogt - Concordia University (Football)
  • Devin Squires - Tennessee Tech University (Football)
  • Michael Adams - University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (Men's Soccer)
  • Aaron Boster - Wilmington College (Baseball)
  • Austin "Tex" Evans - Ohio Dominican University (Baseball)
  • Nathan Oliger - Wilmington College (Baseball)
  • Caitlin Cron - Aurora University (Women's Lacrosse)
  • Maddie Aarons – Beloit College (Women’s Lacrosse)*

*not pictured
KHS Names Class of 2020 Top Students
Kings High School just announced the Class of 2020 Valedictorian and Salutatorian.

On Thursday, April 16, KHS Principal, Doug Leist visited the students' homes to surprise them with the news.

Congratulations to Danielle Page who is this year's Valedictorian. Danielle is the daughter of Sheryl & Charles Page. She is graduating with a weighted GPA of 4.685. During high school she participated on the Academic Quiz Team, Track & Field, Women’s Tennis, National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Spanish Club, Environment Club, and Young Life. Her future plans include attending Vanderbilt University to major in Computer Science. Watch here as she hears the good news.

This year's Salutatorian is Matthew Nie . He is the son of Jenny Huang and Peter Nie. Matthew is graduating with a weighted GPA of 4.652. During high school he participated in Math Club, Spanish Club, and the Greenpower Club. He plans on studying Computer Science Engineering at the Ohio State University. He was surprised! Watch here .

A survey has been sent to the Class of 2020 regarding senior activities. Graduation plans will be announced soon!
Kings Named Best Community for Music Education
It brings us great pleasure to announce that the Kings Local School District is among only 754 school districts in the country that are among the Best Communities in the nation for music education named by  NAMM Foundation ! This is the 4th YEAR IN A ROW that Kings has received this designation!

The award program recognizes outstanding efforts by teachers, administrators, parents, students and community leaders who have made music education part of a well-rounded education. Designations are made to districts and schools that demonstrate an exceptionally high commitment and access to music education.

Congratulations to all of our Kings music educators for making a difference in our students’ lives and bringing beautiful music into ours!  #KingsStrong
Anthony Munoz Scholarship Goes to KHS Senior
Congratulations to Kings High School senior, Chelsey Zugaro who has been chosen as an Anthony Munoz Straight "A" Scholarship recipient for 2020!

With more than 190 schools in the Tri-State area and hundreds of applicants, Chelsey was chosen for her  A cademic excellence,  A thletic achievements, strong  A mbition, a winning  A ttitude, the ability to overcome  A dversity and for having an  A ctive role in the community. 

Chelsey was nominated by KHS teacher, Carol Hardesty and Cynthia Zugaro. 
As one of eighteen recipients, she will receive a one-time $2,000 college scholarship. One male and one female Straight ‘A’ Student will be chosen to receive an additional $3,000 scholarship (for a total of $5,000) to further their education.  
Typically, recipients are celebrated at a luncheon in April. Due to COVID-19, students will now be recognized and rewarded at our Hall of Fame Dinner. Event details are currently being finalized.

This is the second year in a row that a Kings student was chosen for this honor. Last year's Kings recipient was Brooke Howard.

Congratulations, Chelsey!
Important K-12 Legislative News
There are some significant K-12 updates to share with you.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed into law much needed relief for K-12, waiving many primary and secondary education requirements for the 2019-2020 school year due to COVID-19.

The new law includes:
1. Elimination of state mandated testing for 2019-2020
2. District-level decisions on graduation for the Class of 2020
3. District-level decisions on Third Grade Reading guarantee and promotion
4. Waiver of instructional hour requirements for districts offering distance learning
5. Exempting districts from sanctions/penalties for state report card grades (2019-2020)
6. Flexibility for teacher evaluations (permissive, and prohibits value-added data)
7. A moratorium on the expansion of Ed Choice vouchers of any kind until April 1, 2021

2019-2020 School Year Testing:

  • End of Course Exams have been waived by the legislature. 
  • The Third Grade Reading guarantee test is waived.
  • Class of 2021 ACT testing requirement is waived.
  • Traditional face-to-face AP Exams will not take place on campus this school year.
Take Care of You and Your Mental Health
As we try to manage our new "normal" we wanted to share some tips to ensure that we are all taking care of ourselves. If helping your student engage in distance learning while also managing your household and perhaps, trying to work from home feels a little overwhelming, maybe we can help!

Kings Social and Emotional Health Coordinator, Kim Sellers created a collection of wellness resources to help support you and/or your student. Additionally, there are therapists available and are provided by phone or viedo conferencing. Learn more here .

Don't hesitate to contact Kim if you need further assistance - .
2020 Ohio Primary Election
As you may already be aware, the 2020 Ohio Primary Election on Tuesday, March 17 was postponed due to the Coronavirus.

Ohio Governor, Mike DeWine signed House Bill (HB) 197 into law that addressed the change of date of the 2020 Primary Election to Tuesday, April 28.

There will be NO in-person voting for the Primary Election. The only way to vote is by absentee. The deadline to request a ballot is noon on April 25. Ballots themselves should arrive accompanied by a postage-paid envelope. Fill out the ballot and drop it in the mail, or take it to a dropbox at the Warren County Board of Elections. Ballots must be postmarked by April 27.

Get your absentee ballot at .
Kings Kids Before & After School Care Program
Kings Kids Before/After School program is now accepting registration for the 2020-2021 school year. This is for grades Kindergarten-6. The registration form is located on the Kings website at . Go to Schools/Kings Kids/Before After School Registration.

Email the form to Tammy Nelson at .
Welcome Back!
Did you see the video of Kings teachers welcoming our Knights back on April 6 for the first day of remote learning? Check it out below!
FC Cincinnati Kings Night
Get your tickets for FC Cincinnati Kings Night on Saturday, June 27, 2020 as FC takes on FC Dallas. Get your family together for a fun night of soccer and a chance to see our Kings Women's Soccer Team in a shoot-out against Deer Park at halftime!

Tickets are $15.00 per person. Deadline to purchase tickets is June 13.

Click here to order tickets!
Don't miss one bit of news! Make sure to follow us on social media!
Our social media conversation is growing and we don't want you to miss out!

Make sure to follow us on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram to keep in the loop!
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website ! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
Winter Points of Pride

It was quite a winter sports season at Kings. The Kings Athletic Department released their Winter Points of Pride . Check it out!
Winter Points of Pride
We are pleased to report that our  Kings KABC 's Knight to Remember, VIRTUAL Knight at the Derby, raised nearly $52,840!!!

THANK YOU to our amazing community for your support!! This amount will have a major impact in offsetting the current losses of the spring athletic season. In addition to Knight to Remember, Golf Outing, etc., the department also relies on concession sales and gate revenue from the Spring athletic events.

Thank you for your continued support and investment in our programs!!

Go Knights!!
Mulch Madness Canceled
It is with great sadness that the Kings Football Program had to cancel their annual Mulch Sale.

For 26 years, the KFB Program has sold mulch to the Kings Community in what is one of their largest fundraisers of the year. The mulch sale fundraiser generates over 50% of operating costs (equipment, staffing, uniforms, etc.) Approximately $2 for every bag sold is profit for the program. Head Coach, Alex Garvin said, "We are definitely disappointed. We know our community looks forward to our players delivering their mulch every year, and on a lighter note, delivery days help keep our players in shape!" Garvin noted that they will be back delivering again in 2021, but are hopeful that the community would consider supporting the program through donations.

The program will offer full refunds for those who ordered. To help recoup some of the loss, the program is asking the community to consider making a donation. There are two ways to donate: You can donate online at  or by check made out to KABC Football and mailed to Kings Football, 5500 Columbia Road, Kings Mills, OH 45034.
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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