News & Events

March 25, 2020
This Saturday, March 28th
Join Fellow New Trier Democrats for this Virtual Event!
A Message From Our President, Judy Mandel

To my fellow readers of our Newsletter, I wanted to send a message of hope during a very difficult time. Since there will be no volunteer activities and no events during this time due to COVID-19, we decided to take a break from the Newsletter. This Newsletter announces that New Trier Democrats' office is closed and phones and emails will not be answered. We thought it best to put all the pertinent information in this last Newsletter. Please copy all the sites that you will need to get your questions answered, and please watch the briefings by Governor Pritzker and Mayor Lightfoot as they have been excellent.

In this message I want to stress how elections have consequences. Think of how lucky we are to have a Proactive, Intelligent and Caring Governor and Mayor. They have to fight with the federal government to get the necessary safety items to protect the people who are trying to treat the inflicted.

Think of what a different story it would be if Pritzker hadn’t won...Let that sink in to your mind. Governor Pritzker and and his staff have been doing their best to help not only those of us in the North Shore, but the homeless, the prison population and all people in need. Meanwhile, our narcissistic, sarcastic and clueless President can’t wait to end the quarantine because he thinks the economy will improve so he can win re-election.

When we are able to come out on the other side of this, and we will, we must rally all forces behind the Democratic Nominee and all our down ticket candidates and have a Democratic sweep in November.

Please remember to fill out your census only takes a few minutes. Stay well and hopefully this summer we can gather our forces to bring home a big win in November.

Judy Mandel
President, New Trier Democrats
COVID-19 Information

Under Governor Pritzker's Stay At Home Executive Order, which is in effect through April 7, "All individuals must stay at home, with exceptions for essential activities, essential government functions, and essential businesses and operations. All non-essential business and operations must cease, aside from Minimum Basic Operations. Business can continue with employees working from home. Local government units across the state must halt all evictions, and gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited." His full Order is here .

Useful resources you may wish to consult for the most up-to-date information on Covid-19:

Recommended Reading from Judy Mandel, New Trier Democrats' President:

The Last Straw - By Former Sen. Al Franken

An excerpt:

"Until this crisis, Trump has paid no real price for his constant, pathological mendacity. Before politics, the man had spent his entire career in a business where, evidently, there was no accountability for inveterate lying.

But for this crisis there is accountability. And instead of leading, Donald Trump’s focus has been where it always has been – on Donald Trump. 'I give myself a ten out of ten.' 'We are very close to a vaccine.' 'I don’t take responsibility at all.' 'Anybody who needs a test can get a test. And the tests are perfect. Like the letter was perfect. The transcript was perfect.'

Of course, no leader could have prevented the devastation that this virus has and will continue to exact. But because Trump’s focus has been on himself, his reelection, and his fragile self-image, our federal government squandered our most valuable commodity. And the amount of suffering which that lost time will cost our nation is as tragic as it is unknowable."
Ways to Help Locally
Need help contacting your
representatives in government?

Visit our website for a complete list of everyone who represents the residents of New Trier Township - from Federal to Village level - and links to contact them.
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will make a difference. Come join us!

When you're a member of the New Trier Democratic Organization, you have an active role in affecting the political process by: participating in grassroots campaigns, staying in touch with elected officials, and playing a role in deciding which candidates are endorsed. You'll also gain  free admission  to select forums and events throughout the year.    

Come be a part of New Trier Township's grassroots political community.    
New Trier Democrats memberships are on a calendar year basis. We encourage our members to renew their dues annually every January.
Contributions to the New Trier Democratic Organization are subject to the limits and prohibitions of the Federal Election Campaign Act. Contributions to the New Trier Democratic Organization are not tax deductible.

Paid for by the New Trier Democratic Organization ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee, nor is any candidate or candidate’s committee responsible for the activities of the New Trier Democratic Organization. A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is available on the Board’s official website ( or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.