June 2018
Dear Parents,

Summer is here! And by summer I mean 95+ degrees and 100% humidity. Weren’t we just complaining about how long winter is in Minnesota and much snow we were getting? If it wasn’t for the weather what would we complain about? I’m sure we would find something. For too many of us complaining comes naturally, for some I think it is their spiritual gift! 

Often times complaining and comparing walk hand in hand. I know for me when I look around and begin to compare what I have or don’t have to others, I battle being discontent and am prone to complaining. Paul said in Philippians that he had learned the secret of contentment. To trust God. I want to encourage you, when you begin to compare, when you begin to feel discontent, when you begin to complain – trust God. Paul tells us that contentment has nothing to do with what is happening on the outside, but more importantly, what God is doing on the inside.  

So, my challenge for you this month is to trust God more and continue to watch him work on your heart.  When you begin to make this your focus you will soon find yourself complaining less and experience more of the joy of the Lord!  

Tim Elrod
Parent Relations
Big Lessons From Small Mistakes
By Sarah Butler, Parent Council Member
As a parent, sometimes I struggle with my children’s errors even more than my own. It is hard to watch their blunders from my vantage point of hind sight. Our children are no more immune to mistakes than we are. So, instead of praying to avoid them, what can we do to help our students reframe the crisis? How can we turn small mistakes into big lessons?
Remember to complete and submit the 18/19 FAFSA, with your student, at FAFSA.gov. You will use the tax information from your 2016 US Income Tax Return to complete the financial portion. The IRS Data Retrieval tool imbedded in the FAFSA is functional, and this is the quickest and easiest way to enter your tax information. Contact the Financial Aid office with any questions, we are open all summer (651-631-5212).
UNW Homecoming
Save the date for Northwestern's 2018 homecoming. The festivities will begin on Thursday, September 27 and the wrap up on Saturday evening with live comedy. Stay tuned for more details.
Joyful Noise
Purchase your tickets before they are sold out. This year's line up includes: For King & Country, David Crowder, Jeremy Camp, Mandisa and many more at the National Sports Center in Blaine, MN.  
Volunteers Needed!
On June 18-23, UNW will host the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association’s National Championship. NCFCA’s mission is to teach students to communicate truth in order to transform the culture. Volunteers are needed to listen to entertaining and inspiring presentations from the league’s top speakers and debaters. Join us in providing valuable feedback for the next generation of godly leaders!
Faculty Recital: Brahms' Piano Trio and More
UNW Professor Richard Lange and guests (Sachiya Isomura, cello and Alexandra Early, violin) invite you to a delightful AFTERNOON recital of Brahms’ Piano Trio No. 1 and more! This FREE recital is presented in conjunction with UNW’s Piano Institute, celebrating its 26th year.

Monday, June 25 | 4 p.m. | Totino Carousel F2128
Piano Institute | June 25 - 30
UNW Music hosts the 26th annual Piano Institute for students aged 10–18 who perform at an intermediate to advanced level. UNW faculty members include Dr. Richard Lange, Dr. Paul Wirth, Pam Sohriakoff, Sonja Grimes, and Dr. Leonard Danek. Lodging and lunch available to students. Improve your piano skills and grow in your faith! Application deadline: June 15 
Summer Camps
Northwestern offers a wide variety of summer camps for children and teens! There are opportunities for students with a wide range of interests. Check out the links below for more details on the camp that is right for you!
University of Northwestern - St. Paul