April 13th,
BHS Performing Arts regrets that Xanadu must be canceled entirely due to recent concerns for the health and safety of our community. Consider donating your ticket purchase to support our program. If you would like your purchase as a donation, no further action is needed. If you require a refund, you can email .

Refunds are being worked out. Thank you for your patience with us and look for more detailed news from individual directors as we work out the details.

Support Music Merit Award for 2020
Ballard High School has been honored with the SupportMusic Merit Award from The NAMM
Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education. The Support Music Merit Award recognizes individual schools that demonstrate outstanding achievement in efforts to provide music access and education to all students. Read about some good news for our program from the NAMM Foundation.

Music Classes During Quarantine
The impact of the unexpected shutdown and social distancing measures have not stopped Ballard Performing Arts Directors and Ballard Performing Arts community from adapting and coming up with creative solutions to this novel and unusual situation. Read about how the directors are teaching.

Thank You To Our Sponsors:
Interested in becoming a BPA Sponsor?
Contact Nanette at to learn about levels and benefits
Ballard Performing Arts
 Ballard Performing Arts Booster Club
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