Nutrition Action Alert May 29, 2018

AB 1871: Tell Your Assemblymember to Vote Yes! 

Today, AB 1871 (Bonta) passed out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee. Now the bill heads to the floor where all Assemblymembers will have an opportunity to vote. That's 78 opportunities to say that no child should go hungry in a California public school. Let's be heard!

We refuse to accept that California would let children go hungry simply because of there they go to school. We're telling our representatives that we can and should do better. 

Please join us! Read below and click here to learn how you can help.

Write:  Access a customizable floor alert to send to your Assemblymember. doc

For instructions on how to submit your floor alert,  click here. You can find  the email addresses of your Assemblymember's key staff here.

Call:  Make short, simple phone calls to Assemblymembers to ask for their aye vote on AB 1871.  Access a sample script here Phone numbers for each Assembly office are listed here.  link

Tweet: Find sample tweets to send to key Assemblymembers here.

Share:  Read and share CFPA's recent brief examining student access to meals in public charter schools. PDF

Learn more:  Find factsheets, data, stories, and more on our 
AB1871 page.

Contact: Tia Shimada  at 510.433.1122 ext 109 

Final Push to #FundFoodwithCare

We only have a small window of time to fight for funding in the state budget to feed young children in child care. T he Assembly and Senate are working out their differences through a Budget Conference Committee. This small group of legislators will consider whether to adopt the Assembly's funding proposal, which would fund Food with Care, and include it in the final budget sent to the Governor. They have until June 7th to come to an agreement. From there, the Governor has until the end of June to sign and pass the budget.

ALL STATE BUDGET CONFEREES NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU TODAY that funding healthy meals in child care should be a priority. Action could be taken as soon as May 30th, so please reach out today- and as often as possible until June 6. 

Learn more about Food with Care here.

Contact: Melissa Cannon  at 510.433.1122 ext 102

Support Breakfast After the Bell Today!

On May 23 the Assembly Subcommittee on Education Finance approved $1 million in funding to extend Breakfast After the Bell Grants prioritized for high-poverty schools and chronic absenteeism- but we aren't done yet!!

Final stretch: School Breakfast Needs YOUR HELP in the State Budget

The next step is Budget Conference Committee, a small group of legislators from the California Assembly and Senate, who will consider whether to adopt the Assembly's $1 million funding proposal and include it in the budget sent to the Governor. We only have a few days to make a difference!!
Take 5 minutes to help TODAY:
  • Call or email Senate Budget Conferees  to URGE them to accept the Assembly Education proposal to extend funding for Breakfast After the Bell Grants! link
  • Call or email the Assembly  to THANK them for including Breakfast After the Bell in their budget proposal, and urge them to fight to keep it: link
Find more messages and resources to support your actions here.

To learn more, visit CFPA's Invest in Breakfast After the Bell page.  link

Sign-up to receive Invest in Breakfast After the Bell updates.  link

Contact: Tracey Patterson  at 510.433.1122 ext 101

SB 900 (Wiener & Arambula) Moves to the Senate Floor!

Thanks to your support, we are one step closer to improved access to healthy, affordable food in California! SB 900 (Wiener & Arambula) passed out of Senate Appropriations Committee today, and moves to the Senate Floor!  SB 900 would enable the CalFresh EBT system to integrate supplemental nutrition benefits that incentivize California-grown produce purchases. This legislation would pilot community-based initiatives to earn and redeem supplemental nutrition benefits via EBT at grocery stores and farmers' markets.

SB 900 will need your continued support  as it moves to the Senate Floor, and hopefully all the way through the Legislature to the Governor's desk!

Read more about the next steps for the bill and how you can help  here

Getting Close! Stay Tuned...  

Great news!  The Senate and Assembly approved the  budget request  to fully fund the pilots described in SB 900. This would provide $9 million General Fund to integrate California fruit and vegetable incentives into the EBT system, and pilot this initiative in at least seven communities around the state. Pilots would be operated by community partners and participating retailers, including grocery stores and farmers' markets.

Stay tuned for upcoming calls to action to contact the Governor and tell him to include the  California Fruit & Vegetable EBT Pilot in the final 2018-19 State Budget. 

Sign-up to receive updates and timely calls to action  here .

Contact:  Tracey Patterson at 510.433.1122 ext 101

Materials Available now from May 22nd Webinar on CEP & LCFF

If you missed our May 22nd webinar about Community Eligibility Provision and education funding, don't worry, the webinar recording and other useful materials are now available! 

View the recorded webinar download the webinar materials here .

Contact: Elyse Homel Vitale  at 510.433.1122 ext 206
Register Today for Alliance to Transform CalFresh Webinar on June 6th

Join the Alliance to Transform CalFresh, CDSS, and other stakeholders on June 6th at 11:00am for the  *New* CalFresh Data Tools Webinar. Attendees will learn about Diana Jensen of SF-Marin Food Bank's new CalFresh Data Visualization Tool, hear about new source data from CDSS, watch a live demo and learn about ongoing opportunities to strengthen your CalFresh Data Viz skills.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. 

Contact: Jared Call  at 213.482.8200 ext 201
There's Still Time to Register for  Diving into Drinking Water Conference June 19th 

Join CFPA at Public Health Advocates' Diving into Drinking Water conference, as we join a great line-up of advocates, researchers and experts to discuss legislative opportunities for improving access to safe drinking water in California. We will be discussing our work on an ongoing pilot, which serves to explore CalFresh EBT-delivered supplemental benefits as a policy strategy for mitigating the additional budget pressures faced by California communities impacted by unsafe drinking water. 

We hope to see you there!

Contact: Kevin Lee  at 213.482.8200 ext 202