Staying Connected as a Faith Community
CLICK HERE for St. Mary's Maundy Thursday bulletin. Set up a quiet space or prepare a home altar to pray this service today. While anytime during the day is fine, we would have normally gathered at 7:30pm, so if you would like to join in prayerful commuity set that time aside and lift your voice in prayer as we remember Jesus' last supper with his disciples.


The Episcopal Church in Connecticut has a youtube page to view Holy Week services. You can find it HERE . Maundy Thursday reflections from the bishops will begin at 12pm

Washington National Cathedral will hold Maundy Thurdsay Service at 7PM. You can watch it HERE.


Remember to send photos of your home altars to Rev. Ann. CLICK HERE to view our Facebook album.


Church at home resoures for babies, toddlers and young children CLICK HERE to explore


Check your email tomorrow for Good Friday Offerings.