Quarterly updates from YWCA St. Paul
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Dear YWCA St. Paul Friends and Family,
What a few weeks we’ve had. The outbreak and spread of COVID-19 has brought a new reality for YWCA St. Paul, our members and program participants, our community and our nation. As most of us stay at home to slow the spread of the virus, we are grateful for the important work done by those delivering essential services to support us all, especially the most vulnerable among us.

At YWCA St. Paul we are continuing to provide services to our program participants, ensuring that existing needs – as well as new ones arising during this challenging time – are met. Through the innovation of new technologies and the extraordinary efforts of our staff, we are continuing our life-sustaining work.

Our Health & Fitness Center remains closed, but we are exploring ways to remain connected with our members, and offer additional virtual options for supporting our members’ fitness and health. We all know that finding ways to stay active is important to lowering stress and maintaining health during this time of uncertainty.

Every year, 4600 people benefit from YWCA St. Paul’s services. Our programs help people of all ages and backgrounds achieve their goals – for health and fitness, housing, employment and academic achievement. Through our efforts -- and your support -- lives are made better every day. Though this outbreak changes how we connect for now, it will not change the importance of our work. As we go forward, we will keep you informed of important updates, successes, and challenges in our efforts to empower women, girls and their families, build community, and promote racial justice and gender equity.

As always, thank you for your support! Stay strong, and stay safe.

Gaye Adams Massey, Chief Executive Officer, YWCA St. Paul
Civic Engagement - Census 2020

National Census Day was April 1, but there's still time for you to respond online. All households have now received at least one letter containing their Census ID, which they can use to respond via my2020census.gov . It's free to complete and takes less than 10 minutes on average, but is critical to ensuring each community gets appropriate resources and representation. The 2020 Census will determine the allocation of billions in federal funding every year for the next decade, so it's crucial that you respond!

Even more crucially, please share this message with anyone you know who is at higher risk of being undercounted -- by fighting misinformation and building trust in the process, you can help us ensure a better future for vulnerable populations.
YW Stride to Expand Reach with New Grant

We are excited to announce an expansion for one of our newest programs, YW Stride!

As you may recall, last year we launched YW Stride with the support of a highly competitive grant from the Pohlad Family Foundation . The program prevents homelessness for young women ages 18-24 as they transition from foster care by helping them secure stable housing and navigate relationships, resources, and systems.

As we built this program over the last year, our trauma-informed and culturally-competent support services reached 15 young women of color, and empowered them to grow confidence and self-efficacy at a critical time in their transition to adulthood. Now, with a generous grant from WCA Foundation , we will be able to broaden the reach of this program, and continue changing the trajectory of young women in foster care.
Youth Employment Services Contract Extended

YWCA St. Paul's contract with Workforce Solutions - a department of Ramsey County - for Youth Employment Services has been renewed for another year! This program, supported by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, offers one-on-one coaching and group education to help prepare young people for the workforce. Participants experience a four-week training and gain valuable paid work experience to jump-start their professional careers.
Important Facility Improvements

You may have seen work underway on the roof of our main Selby Avenue facility. This work to upgrade safety protections for anyone needing to service equipment on the roof is largely complete. Construction teams are also beginning work on several of our supportive housing properties. Thanks to the support of the Hardenbergh Foundation and the City of St. Paul through its Star Grant program, we will soon see balcony repair as the first of these upgrades.
Sweet Success - Postponed

Our annual celebration and fundraiser, Sweet Success, has been postponed until this fall. Though we would all likely appreciate some inspiring stories of hope, perseverance, and sweet success these days, public health concerns have required a change to our original plans. We look forward to gathering on October 29 th , 2020 to honor the outstanding achievements of YWCA program participants and volunteers. If you're itching to contribute now, though, we certainly won't stop you: please click here to see how you can help YWCA St. Paul and our ongoing mission.
Stand Against Racism - Postponed

Our Stand Against Racism event this April has been postponed due to public health concerns. Please stay tuned for more details.

As you shelter in place, consider some of the following media recommendations from YWCA St. Paul, for shows that align to our mission of eliminating racism. All are available to stream on Netflix.

Famil y Films: 
  • The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind (2019) - Drama, PG
  • Against all the odds, a thirteen year old boy in Malawi invents an unconventional way to save his family and village from famine.
  • Brainchild (2018) - Documentary Series, G
  • An educational series that introduces a number of scientific topics to young audiences.

Mature Viewers: 
  • 13th (2016) - Documentary, TV-MA
  • An in-depth look at the prison system in the United States and how it reveals the nation's history of racial inequality.
  • Gentefied (2020) - Drama Series, TV-MA
  • Three cousins band together to keep their grandfather's taco shop in business as their neighborhood becomes more gentrified.
YWCA St. Paul Through the Years
1910 construction of 123 fifth street, YWCA St. Paul's original building
As we make plans for our new facility, YWCA St. Paul remembers its first property -- built in 1911 on Fifth Street in downtown St. Paul. The facility included a gym, club and classrooms, an auditorium and a 100-bed residence. For the next five decades, the building would stand as a beacon and inspiration to many in need.
YWCA St. Paul is on a mission to eliminate racism, empower women and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.
YWCA St. Paul is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
375 Selby Avenue