Round  Rock Christian Church 
Weekly Reminders to
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RRCC Update March 19 2020--Getting Ready for Sunday
How Can I Be a Part of a Worship Service that is Actually a Video Conference?

That is a great question! As we anticipate our online worship experience this Sunday, here are a few things to keep in mind.
  • We've never done it this way before, and that's okay! Will there be some difficulties, frustrations and confusion? Yes there will! None of this comes natural to anyone. It will take some patience and persistence. 
  • A number of your fellow congregation members have participated successfully in a ZOOM meeting for the first time this week already. It can be done!
  • Expect another email tomorrow with more detailed instructions regarding how to use ZOOM, which will be our online tool. In the meantime, you can visit and sign up. It's free and easy. You don't need to sign up to participate in worship or in a meeting, but you do if you eventually want to initiate or "host" a ZOOM meeting.
  • We'll plan to do a "practice run" at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday for anyone who is interested and available. You will receive an emailed invitation for that tomorrow (Friday).

Will I Need Anything During the Service?

Another great question! You can see a possible set up pictured below, with notes underneath. Make yourself comfortable at home and don't worry about how you appear to the other people. You're among friends! Lighting, image size and clarity, sound volume, etc. will all vary. You won't need to worry about disturbing the group with background noise from your location, because only the worship leaders will be unmuted at the time that they speak. If you have troubles joining ZOOM to participate, Rod Walker has agreed to troubleshoot as the service is happening. Just give him a call.

For Sunday morning, along with your laptop, tablet, or phone, you should have communion elements ready. Use whatever you have at home (pictured here are white grape juice and a piece of gluten free bread). Other items to have handy include your Bible, your phone, a cup of coffee, and perhaps a candle to represent the presence of Christ.