June 1, 2018 - June 7, 2018
In This Issue:
Sunday Services
Single Service, 10:30 a.m.  
June 3, 2018
Annual Rising Up and Flower Communion Service
for All Ages
This service celebrates youth who are rising up to Middle School, High School, and graduating High School Seniors. It culminates in a favorite ritual of the Unitarian Universalist faith--the Flower Communion. Each attendee should bring a fresh flower to the service to contribute to the communion. The service is followed by a reception honoring the Seniors and their families.
FLOWER COMMUNION Please remember to bring a flower to the service for this special ceremony
PARKING NOTICE Parking at the church can be tight. If you can park in one of the auxiliary lots, we encourage you to do so.
Annual Congregational Meeting
Please join us June 10 in the sanctuary immediately after the 10:30 single service. Childcare/food provided for the kids; a celebration of our church year, especially the capital campaign and all of our new members, with a light lunch afterward for everyone! All are welcome! The agenda will include congregational awards, next fiscal year's budget, Endowment grants, the results of our Capital Campaign, and more.
Upcoming Events
IFC DINNER Fri, June 1, and Tues, June 19, our church volunteers will be cooking and serving dinner at the Community Kitchen, at the corner of Rosemary and Columbia. We have been doing this particular meal for years and years. You can be a part of the tradition by signing the list on the Kiosk during coffee hour. Helpers will train first timers.

FIRST SUNDAY RECYCLING. June 3 at the ECO table: Batteries (AAA - D, button,
rechargeable), corks (natural and synthetic), and tiny bits of metal (paper clips, nails,
screws, etc.).

MEDITATION This past week was our last meditation session for the summer.  We will look forward to meditating again together in September.

OUTDOOR CONNECTIONS The Robertson Millpond paddle had to be rescheduled due to stormy weather and will now take place on Saturday June 2.  We'll meet at the church at 9:15 AM and will have a potluck picnic lunch at the pond. June 8-10: Roan Mountain for what may be the most spectacular display of Rhododendrons - period. Plus Linville Falls, a 10+ spectacle of its own. Plus! Decide by May 7 and share a private cabin near Banner Elk on 20 acres of mountaintop at bargain rates. RSVP to: chandler-dorfman@mindspring.com.
SPOON RIVER AUDITIONS Auditions for the classic adaptation of Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology will be June 6 & 7, 7-9 PM. Rehearsals start in September. Performance dates are November 9, 10, 11. Rehearsals are scheduled around the schedules of the actors. Parts for Adults and High School youth. Each actor plays multiple roles. 2 singers (one male, one female) one of whom plays guitar. Sign up HERE.  Questions: email Marni Goldshlag.
Within These Walls
SOUNDROOM HELP NEEDED: Helpers needed to set up and monitor the sound for services throughout the summer, and hopefully into the next church year. Everything you need to know can be learned in one 15 minute training session. And you will only be needed on average one service a month. No experience necessary. Contact Glenn Mehrbach at  music@c3huu.org for more information.

MUSIC TEAM MEMBER NEEDED: The Music Team is looking for a new member to represent the non-musicians in the congregation, in an effort to include the point of view of the receivers of the musical offerings as well as the creators. Meetings after the 2nd service once every 6 weeks. If interested, please contact music director Glenn Mehrbach at  music@c3huu.org.
THE IFC SHARE THE PLATE collected over $2000.  Thank you to all who donated to this worthwhile and important service.  We have again met our goal with your generosity.

BOUNTIFUL BAGS were handed out and many have been returned filled with needed items.  If you still have your bag you can bring it this Sunday. The need is ongoing and the food pantry is always in need of food items and paper products especially in the summer when children are home. Thank you for taking the extra effort that goes into filling the bags and bringing them in.
ENDOWMENT GRANTS At the June 10 Congregational Meeting, the Endowment Committee will recommend congregational approval to two grants at $1750 each beginning July 2018.  One grant will support the addition of internet access and other home improvements for the comfort of our future Sanctuary guest(s).  The other grant will support the purchase of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) and First Aid Kits as well as training for staff and selected members as part of the overall safety plan for the church.
IMPORTANT Overflow Kehillah parking is limited to 15 specified spaces registered to individual Community Church members.  Unauthorized parking jeopardizes this arrangement with Kehillah as Kehillah needs parking for its Sunday activities.  Your cooperation is appreciated.  ( A few registered spaces remain; inquire at tabling after service today. )
SUNDAY HANDICAPPED AND LIMITED MOBILITY PARKING:  With a single service, there's more need for HC/limited mobility spaces at the same time.  If HC spaces are filled, please use any limited mobility space in the front/back lots and display your HC placard.  Since some limited mobility spaces are needed for HC parking now, there are fewer limited mobility spaces.  Please keep this in mind when deciding whether to use them on a given Sunday.  Thanks!  
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Each year the church gives out three awards at the June congregational meeting. Awards are given in three categories: service beyond the walls of the church, service within the walls of the church, and service in religious education. To nominate someone for these awards, please send an email to Elisabeth in the church office.

Plans are underway for a multigenerational UU Pilgrimage Trip to  Transylvania  in summer 2019.  See the historic sites where Unitarianism began 450 years ago, and continues to thrive, along with scenic rural villages, mountains and forests, ancient castles, and medieval walled cities. Sample itineraries are posted on the kiosk in the Community Room; if you are interested, pick one up at coffee hour or contact Ruth Gibson
Justice & Service Events
suggested by members/committees
stand against key actors who are carrying out Trump's family separation order:  ICE and U.S. Attorneys. Partners include National Domestic Workers Alliance, MomsRising, United We Dream, MoveOn to hold family-friendly rallies across country. 12 Noon, Friday, June 1, US Attorney - Federal Building, Suite 800, 310 New Bern Avenue, Raleigh.  click here for map.   https://peoplepower.org/. Submitted by P & J

PUERTO RICO'S LONG BLACKOUT Video/Slide preview of new documentary in progress, based on research/recent footage since beginning of 2018, by Sandy Smith-Nonini (UNC Anthropology) in collaboration with Brooklyn-based filmmaker Roque Nonini. 6:30 p.m., Friday, June 1, Recyclique, 2811 Hillsborough Road, Durham. Suggested donation $5. Park in rear or next door in Food Lion lot. http://communecos.org/. Submitted by P & J
THE TOUR D'COOP is a garden tour that seeks to educate visitors about keeping hens and to provide them with garden ideas and inspiration. The tour showcases various hen houses and breeds. The wide variety of coop styles and the surrounding backyard gardens make the tour interesting for the whole family. The event is from 10 am to 4 pm on June 2 in the Raleigh/Cary area. Click here for details. Submitted by ECO 
CULTURAL EVENT: RAMADAN IFTAR--SERVE HOPE Join ANERA (American Near East Refugee Aid), that addresses development and humanitarian needs of Palestinians and other marginalized communities in Palestine and Lebanon, for this special Iftar to send food and relief to families there. Teen Vogue's Abeer Najjar, will demonstrate and share a delicious dessert creation. 7:30-10 p.m., Sunday, June 3, Mediterranean Deli, 410 West Franklin Street, Chapel Hill. Iftar starts at 8:30 p.m. Tickets: $50. Information: halmadhoun@anera.org. Submitted by P & J
POOR PEOPLE'S CAMPAIGN: A NATIONAL CALL FOR MORAL REVIVAL  As we face a crisis with our water and food supply, threatened by coal ash, industrial dumping and hog farm run-off, the Poor People's Campaign focuses on "The Right to Health and a Healthy Planet" next week. At least one church member is prepared to do civil disobedience at Bicentennial Plaza in Raleigh at 2 pm Monday, June 4. You can support environmental justice and those being arrested by attending.  The following week, Mon, June 11, 2:30-3:00pm: Everybody's Got a Right to Live:  Education, Living Wage Jobs, Income, Housing. Bicentennial Plaza, Raleigh (between Jones and Edenton Streets). https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/  Take signs. Submitted by P & J
SAVE-THE-DATES, June 16-21, for Walk to Bring the Pipeline to Raleigh. Beginning in Nash County and ending in Raleigh, the walk will raise the awareness of the governor, legislators, and the NC Department of Environmental Quality regarding the need to stop the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline and move to 100% renewable energy. More details next month! Submitted by ECO 
UNC STUDENT FIGHT AGAINST  WHITE  SUPREMACY  Effort  to educate public about Silent Sam statue and build support to remove it continues. Join Women's International  League  for Peace and Freedom-Triangle Branch to vigil and distribute information about history of Silent Sam's presence on  UNC campus.  Noon to 2 p.m., Wednesdays, Silent  Sam, East Franklin Street by Pettigrew Hall.  Community contact: ekkeel2me@gmail.com  or 252-944-7474. Submitted  by P & J
MORE WAYS TO ASSIST SENDING BOOKS TO NC PRISONERS Prison Books Collective's volunteer workdays packing free books remain 1 to 4 p. m, Sundays, 4312 Etta Rd, Durham, when books may be donated. Donate money online or mail. Directions and information: http://prisonbooks.info prisonbooks@gmail.com Submitted by P&J
Ongoing Events
ART IN THE SANCTUARY "Whimsical Travels" A Chapel Hill native, Cinc Hayes's artwork is inspired by many years of traveling across the world, and his mixed media works echo the landscapes of faraway lands. Energies of these landscapes, people and animals reveal themselves through vibrant layers of color and texture on canvas. In addition to a formal background in studio art, the artist has a degree in philosophy and religious studies that lends a multilayered complexity to his work. 
MEDITATION Please join us in the sanctuary for silent meditation. We regularly meet on Tuesday evenings, 7:15 - 7:45 p.m.  For more information contact Delia Keefe.
LECTIO (SACRED READING) MEDITATION GROUP meets at noon every Friday in the Commons.  We use readings from poetry and the wisdom traditions of the world's religions as prompts for reflection and sharing.  No need to sign up ahead of time.  Please join us.
Most orange text is clickable! Orange text links to outside websites or to an email address. For example: c3hoffice@gmail.com, use for bulletin announcements, calendar reservations and newsletter submissions, rentals@c3huu.org for rentals.   Announcements are due by noon Wednesday prior to Friday 's issue.  Event submissions limited to 75 words.  Please include contact info.

The C3HUU Board wants to hear from you! Click here  to share with us your thoughts, comments, concerns, and questions.  Click here to learn more about the Board, including viewing the Board and Congregational Meeting minutes.
Click here to visit our website!