Open Meetings &
Business Continuity Updates
In light of the Governor's declaration of a statewide public health disaster and the CDC's recommendation to cancel or postpone in-person events with 50 or more people for the next eight weeks, we offer a few updates. 

  • Open Meetings Changes. Yesterday, Governor Abbott temporarily suspended certain open meetings requirements, allowing governmental entities to meet by telephone or video conference platforms that are publicly accessible during the COVID-19 disaster. This suspension is intended to reduce in-person meetings and the spread of COVID-19 while maintaining government transparency. Per the Attorney General's press release, governmental bodies are still required to: 
  • provide online written notice containing a public toll-free dial-in number or a free-of-charge video conference link, as well as an electronic copy of any agenda packet, before conducting telephonic or video conference meetings;  
  • provide the public with access and a means to participate in those meetings, preferably through two-way audio or video connections; and  
  • provide the public with access to a recording of those meetings.  

A complete list of open meetings laws subject to the temporary suspension is available from the Attorney General  here

  • Business Continuity. For those of you still considering telework policies and strategies for business continuity, please let us know how we can help. We are happy to share examples or, if enough interest exists, pull together a video conference to share thoughts and best practices. If you have any interest, please email Sarah Kirkle.  

On our end, TWCA is working hard to improve our communication and online meeting capabilities so that we can assist members in the event that future in-person meetings cannot or should not occur. The safety of our members and community at large is our highest priority. Let us know how we can help.