Dear Lovejoy Families,
As we look at the very real possibility of extending our district closure, we want to share with you the work that is being done to prepare our teachers and students for online learning. 
Currently, our Curriculum Team is working to help guide and support our teachers in designing online learning experiences utilizing familiar district digital resources. 
This Wednesday, Principals will be reaching out to families to connect with students and gauge what additional supports families may need as we look at moving instruction online. Please watch for the message from your child’s campus on Wednesday evening. 
As we continue to receive updates from local health officials, the Texas Education Agency and surrounding districts, we will update you by 5 pm on Wednesday regarding timelines for extended closures. 
Response to Frequently Asked Questions
I would love to volunteer and help, what can I do?
We have such a generous and loving community that is always willing to jump in and help one another. At this time, the best way to help is to share Lovejoy ISD updates and resources with friends and family and follow the recommended CDC guidelines such as social distancing and avoiding large gatherings. 
Should a specific need arise in the future, the district will send out requests and will post updates to all who have kindly offered their support. 
Has Prom been canceled?
As we continue to monitor the situation and receive additional guidance from the CDC and local health officials, we will let our families know what events will need to be postponed.
Currently, all events, activities, practices are canceled this week and through March 29th for all UIL events.
How will extended closures affect Senior events?
We know this can be a very uncertain time for our high school Seniors and their families. At this time, we are unsure of the impact COVID-19 will have on Senior events. As we continue to monitor the situation and receive additional guidance from the CDC and local health officials, we will reach out specifically to our Seniors and their families regarding any changes. 
Will you be holding Kindergarten Registration Next Week?
Kindergarten Round-up has been delayed. We will continue to evaluate the on-going health situation and will provide information in the coming weeks regarding the Kindergarten Round-up process. 
How will remote learning work for Pre-K?
We will be sending a menu of developmentally appropriate hands-on activities for our Pre-K students. This menu will be sent on a weekly basis and will include a sample schedule of an at home day. The menu will contain ideas for fine and gross motor skills, emergent reading and writing skills, math and science. We will also include links for age-appropriate online sites.
How will my student’s Special Education needs be met through online instruction?
By law, if an LEA (Local Education Agency - Lovejoy ISD) continues to provide educational opportunities to the general student population during school closure, the school must ensure that students with disabilities also have equal access to the same opportunities, including the provision of Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE).

All special education teachers will work based off of a student’s IEP to design remote learning which meets students needs and addresses students goal.

General education teachers will implement accommodations for students. Special education teachers will collaborate with general education teachers to determine what supports are needed for each student to access the remote learning and put the supports into place.

Special education teachers will modify the online curriculum as determined by a student’s IEP. Special education services and related services provided remotely will be a blended approach that will include one-on-one sessions with the teacher, virtual small-group instruction, instructional videos, online activities, and provided at-home activities as needed.  

Thank you for your patience as we partner together to keep our One Heart. One Lovejoy. community safe. 
Michael Goddard, Ed.D. 
Superintendent of Schools
Lovejoy Independent School District