MAY 08, 2020

Preservation Action Joins Preservation Organizations in Supporting HPF as Part of Economic Recovery Efforts

This week, Preservation Action joined our partners at the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers, National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers and more than 30 other organizations and businesses in sending a letter to the House and Senate Appropriations Committee requesting $120 million for the Historic Preservation Fund, including:
  • $30 million to support survey and digitization for State Historic Preservation Officers and $15 million for Tribal Historic Preservation Officers.
  • $75 million for Certified Local Governments to support brick and mortar projects.
Funding for survey and digitization is critical to make sure that historic resources are protected, while at the same time guaranteeing that important infrastructure projects are not delayed. Funding for Certified Local Governments will provide much needed economic stimulus directly to local communities while preserving historic resources that help to provide a sense of place and stability for communities. Additionally the letters urge the inclusion of the Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act  ( H.R 2825 , S. 2615 ) and a temporary increase to the value of the HTC. Thanks to everyone that signed on!

Take Action

Urge your Representatives and Senators to support historic preservation programs that help to stimulate the economy as part of future coronavirus relief and recovery efforts.

Reach out to your Senators and Representatives and let them know about the economic impact these historic preservation programs have on your community. Share the historic preservation assistance request letter, preservation community letter, and   Historic Tax Credit Economic Economic Stimulus Request Talking Points  with your members and urge them to support historic preservation as part of economic recovery and relief legislation. Check out our Action Alert to learn more!

New Report from PlaceEconomics Calls for Investing in Older Housing to Create Post COVID-19 Resiliency

This week PlaceEconomics, the private sector consulting that focuses on the economic impact of historic preservation, released a new report on the important role investing in older housing could play in creating more resilient neighborhoods, in the post COVID-19 world. The report argues that future economic recovery efforts should have multiple impacts: COVID-19 recovery, stimulate the economy, address the affordable housing crisis, build resilient systems, and invest in long-term assets. One investment that checks all of those boxes is in investing in older housing.

The report lays out 4 policy proposals for the next round of stimulus spending in response to the coronavirus, that would all meet the criteria laid out above. 
  • Provide local governments with funds to invest in older housing stock.
  • Adopt a Historic Homeowners Tax Credit Program.
  • Expand the Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit to benefit smaller projects.
  • Create job training program for rehabilitation trades.
Check out the "Reinvesting in Older Housing- A Key Component of Post COVID-19 Resiliency" report from PlaceEconomics to learn more!
Celebrate National Historic Preservation Month This May

Celebrate National Historic Preservation Month this May! While things look a little different this year as we all continue to contend with the COVID-19 pandemic, we still encourage everyone to celebrate Historic Preservation Month. Preservation Month began as National Preservation Week in 1973 and was expanded to the entire month of May in 2005. You may not be able to visit historic sites in person this year, but there's still plenty you can do to make the most of Preservation Month. 

Go on a virtual tour. Historic sites and parks across the country are offering virtual tours. The National Trust for Historic Preservation is unlocking new digital experiences every day in May, allowing you to virtually explore some incredible historic sites.

Explore your neighborhood. If you can, get outside and take a walk around some of the historic districts or neighborhoods where you live. Who knows, you might stumble upon some hidden gems.

Advocate for historic preservation. This is our personal favorite. You can still advocate for critical historic preservation programs and programs from your own home. Right now Congress is considering economic recovery legislation. Urge your members of Congress to support historic preservation programs that help to stimulate the economy. Take action! 

Learn more about what is happening in your city or state to celebrate Preservation Month. A great resource is to check out your State Historic Preservation Office or the state and local preservation organizations in your area.

Preservation Action
2020 Pennsylvania Ave NW #313
Washington, DC 20006
p. 202-463-0970

Preservation Action is the only national  non-profit dedicated exclusively to lobbying for the best preservation policies at the federal level. We seek to make historic preservation a national priority by advocating to all branches of government through a grassroots constituency empowered with information and training.