DC Office of Human Rights Newsletter | Volume II | June 2018
Congrats to the Newest Human Rights Liaisons!
OHR hosted a Human Rights Liaison (HRL) Training on May 25. Attendees participated in a free, daylong training on the discrimination laws OHR enforces, as well as the process on how to identify and file a complaint a client(s) experiences illegal discrimination. The liaisons were also armed with tools to train their colleagues and now serve as ambassadors of human rights for their communities. Click the link below to sign up for the next HRL Training.
Trait of the Month: Sexual Orientation
June is LBGTQ Pride Month! In the District, it is against the law to discriminate against someone for their sexual orientation in the areas of housing, employment, public accommodations, or educational institutions. For more information or to file a complaint visit our website, .
Business Outreach
OHR has a long-standing partnership with DCRA where we provide trainings tailored to the business community. We offer one training every month on the new laws that went into effect October 1, 2017 from 10am to noon. Please use the links below to RSVP!

Events Spotlight
Join us! We're participating in both the Capital Pride Parade on Saturday, June 9 and the Capital Pride Festival on Sunday, June 10 from 10am to 7pm on Pennsylvania Ave NW between 3rd and 7th St. Come out for information on your rights, as well as fun for the entire family!

Need resources? Join us at Catholic Charities Welcome Home Reentry Program's resource fair on Saturday, June 23 from 10am to 2pm at 26 Grant Circle NW.
Director's Note
As we celebrate the beautiful diversity of the LGBTQ community during Pride Month, let us not lose sight of our continued fight against inequality and discrimination. Recently, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Colorado bakery that denied a gay couple service. The outcome of this case alone demonstrates just how fortunate we are to live in a city that offers strong civil rights protections in places of public accommodation, including sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. I look forward to standing and marching with our LGBTQ community in solidarity and celebration all month long and showing just how proud we are of our residents, neighbors and friends regardless of who they love. For more information and resources on your protections in DC, visit .

Yours in solidarity,
M รณ nica Palacio, Director
DC Office of Human Rights | 202.727.4559 |