CIPS Connections
Connecting you to News Affecting CIPS and the IT Profession I May 6th, 2020

CIPS May 12th COVID-19 Webinar: "Organizational Planning:
Actions taken, future planning, lessons learned"
Tuesday May 12th, 2020
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Eastern Time


CIPS COVID-19 Webinar: 

"Organizational Planning: actions taken, future planning, lessons learned"

Lyle McFadyen, I.S.P., ITCP, 

Sr. Solutions Architect, United Nations International Computing Centre 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Webcast: “Optimization Methodologies and Techniques” (Members-Only)
Webcast: "Working From Home – Cyber Security Considerations for Safe and Effective Conduct of Business" with Travis Spilak (Members-Only)
"Lending a Lifeline by Lending Laptops" - ERA Pilots Program to Help Families in Need Canada Wide During COVID-19 (Featured Article)
Featured Article from the ERA, a CIPS Corporate Partner

Canadian Electronic Recycling Association   introduces a new program called " Lending a Lifeline by Lending a Laptop " due to mass quantities of incoming donation requests
CANADA, April 1, 2020 /CNW/ - The Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) announced a new program that will help equip families and organizations with the gift of technology throughout COVID-19. A lot of companies are stepping up with new and unique ideas throughout COVID-19, it is no shock that the ERA too has created a program to help those in need through these tough times.

Within the last two weeks, the ERA has seen a massive increase in online donation requests, primarily coming from families who, before COVID-19, did not own a laptop or a computer and would utilize their local libraries to gain online access for school work and other digital necessity.

With the new generated demand created by COVID-19, ERA has introduced a new program called "Lending a Lifeline by Lending a Laptop". This program is built to help families and organizations that are in need of devices at home. Throughout the last couple of days, ERA has seen their list of requests go from tens to hundreds in such a short period of time.

Featured CIPS Member Benefit: Perkopolis
CIPS is proud to offer CIPS Members with access to discounts on tickets, hotels and various other products and services to members via PERKOPOLIS!

CIPS Corporate Partners
The following organizations support CIPS'  commitment to professionalism, ethics, and high standards for the I.T. profession . CIPS thanks all its partners for their contribution. 
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