We are grateful for your prayers!
Thank you for joining us this week as we at the Baptist World Alliance pray for our worldwide Baptist family and for God's work around the globe. If you pray along with us weekly, you will be able to pray for the entire world each year!

1 Member Body
Union of Free Evangelical and Baptist Churches of Estonia
  • 85 Churches
  • 6,513 Members

Pictured is a choral performance at Olevista during General Secretary Emeritus Neville Callam's visit in 2013.
Join us in prayer for Estonian leaders serving in global leadership roles, including Helle Liht (Assistant General Secretary for the European Baptist Federation) and Meego Remmel (President of the European Baptist Federation).

Join us in prayer for continued growth as church plants in this region seek to share the Gospel in innovative ways.

1 Member Body
Union of Baptist Churches in Latvia
  • 92 Churches
  • 6,449 Members

Pictured are the 2019 graduates of the Baltic Pastoral Institute, a Christocentric initiative to promote the multiplying and missional development of churches and Christians.
Join us in thanking God for strong leaders with a clear vision to share the Gospel in churches and communities throughout Latvia.
Join us in prayer for the ministry of the Ministers' Brotherhood and their commitment to support ministers in crisis situations, promote further education for ministers, and strengthen marriages of ministers.

1 Member Body
Baptist Union of Lithuania
  • 8 Churches
  • 245 Members

We give thanks for the research and historical preservation work of Albertas Latužis, Director of the Baptist & Anabaptist Research Centre (BARC). One of the centre's purposes is to collect archival material related to Lithuanian Baptist history and make it more widely available.
Join us in thanking God for the faithful witness of Christians during times of persecution and occupation.
Join us in prayer for just economic development that benefits all citizens in these countries and for those who live and work abroad.
Covid-19 is continuing to spread around the world and has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). In response, the Baptist World Alliance Forum for Aid and Development (BFAD) will host a video conference call for all BFAD Members, friends, and BWA member bodies this Thursday, March 19, at 11 am (GMT). Use to find the time of the call for your area. This organizational call will serve to assess impact on organizations worldwide, determine what support is needed, and initiate a collaborate response. The call is limited to 100 participants, so please take a moment to reserve your spot using the following link: . Space will be first come, first served.

Note: A global call specifically for prayer will be scheduled at a future date with more details forthcoming.

With the rapidly-evolving impact of COVID-19, the BWA feels strongly that this is an opportunity for Baptists around the world to pray and to serve. In the most affected areas, churches have been temporarily closed and families face uncertainty. Would you continue to pray for all who have been impacted and that Baptists around the world will be at the forefront of gracefully serving communities that are struggling? We will be sharing more information soon about a virtual prayer gathering, so please stay connected with us on social media for details.
Roll Back the Stones

Lord Jesus, you have always loved us from the beginning, and you have shown the depth of your love in dying for us on the cross and thereby sharing our sufferings and wounds.

At this moment, we lay all the obstacles that separate us from your love at the foot of your cross. Roll back the stones which imprison us. Awaken us to your resurrection morning. There may we meet the brothers and sisters from whom we are separated. 

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2016, Latvia )