June 1

Bassett's annual Field Day is FRIDAY, JUNE 1. It's going to be a great day! 

Please apply  SUNSCREEN on your child at home. Please have your child wear  APPROPRIATE CLOTHING (for being active outside), SOCKS, and  SNEAKERS to ensure participation in all events. HATS are encouraged (Make sure your child's name is on the hat.). 

A Philly SwirlStix treat will be given to students at the end of their Field Day time. The ingredient label can be found 
here .  

Field Day will be cancelled if it rains. Mr. Sanfilippo will send a text message notification if it is necessary to cancel.  If Field Day is cancelled, students will still get to enjoy the bouncy obstacle course (in the gym); socks are required. Students will still receive a Philly SwirlStix treat.

Thank you to everyone who signed up to bring  dixie cups, baby wipes, bubbles, and bubble wands.  These items should be brought to the gym on Friday, June 1 in the morning. 

We still need more volunteers!  Sign up to help here We have 25 different activities planned for the kids; each of those stations needs 1-2 volunteers.

Thank you to everyone  who has signed up to help!  Please note this information:
  • We are using a portion of the Bassett parking lot for our activities, so please park at St. Ladislas Church. Parking is not permitted in the bus loop, car-line lane, or exit lane to Bassett Rd.
  • NEW THIS YEAR: When you arrive, please enter the building at the plain metal doors on the north side of the gym (not the main entrance). A sign will be posted. Please sign-in at the table right inside the doors. Take a visitor sticker and a packet. Volunteers are asked not to come to the office.
  • At the end of the day, please bring your game supplies and instructions to the gym. 
If you have questions, please contact Delicia Ostrowski at  216.577.5250 or , or Monica Triviso nno at 216.310.7028 or


Thank you to everyone who submitted dunk tank donation envelopes for the chance to dunk our principal, Mr. Sanfilippo, former principal, Mr. Fleming, or Superintendent Dr. Goggin!

If you forgot to submit your envelope, please feel free turn it on Friday, June 1. It's 3 throws for $5 or one throw for $2. Payment may be made in cash or check payable to Bassett PTA. An envelope was sent home, or you can use your own - label it "Field Day Dunk Tank Donation" and include your child's name and grade. 

If you have questions, please contact Vanessa Wilhelm at

The dunk tank is a Bassett PTA fundraiser. Bassett PTA fundraisers raise money for programs, events, equipment, technology, and more that enrich the educational experience of our children. Thank you for your support!