News, Notes & Votes
Twin Rivers Unified School District
March 11, 2020
Our mission: To inspire each student to extraordinary achievement every day.
2020 District Classified Employees of the Year
Top left to right: Dario Gonzalez, Brittany Smith
Bottom left to right: Christina Southivilay, Annette Conklin
1. Recognition - 2020 District Classified Employees of the Year
Twin Rivers Unified School District is fortunate to have outstanding support staff working throughout our district. Following site and department selections and an interview process, four candidates were selected as Twin Rivers Unified School District's Classified Employees of the year and those who qualified represented TRUSD in the Sacramento County Office of Education Classified Employee of the Year process.
- Annette Conklin, Cafe Services Team Leader I, Oakdale
- Brittany Smith, IT User Support Technician, Sr., District Office
- Christina Southivilay, Family and Community Liaison, Morey
- Dario Gonzalez, Academic Intervention Specialist Bilingual Senior, Noralto
Congratulations to Annette Conklin (Child Nutrition) and Dario Gonzalez (Paraprofessional Educator/Instructional Assistance), who have been selected as Sacramento County's Classified Employees of the Year! Both will move on to compete at the state level.
2019-2020 High School Winter Sports Athletes
2. Recognition - High School Winter Sports Athletes
The Board of Trustees recognized Twin Rivers' 2019-2020 high school winter athletes for their performances, outstanding accomplishments, and for proudly representing the Twin Rivers Unified School District through use of their leadership, character and sportsmanship.
Rio Linda High Student Advocates for Women's History Month
3. Adopt - Resolution No. 839: Women's History Month
March is nationally recognized as Women's History Month. Per SB 48 and AR 6143, throughout the year, elementary and secondary teachers use pieces of literature where women assume traditional and non-traditional professional roles. In their classroom instruction, teachers also use novels written by female authors. In the areas of math and science, information is shared throughout the year about famous female mathematicians and scientists. Staff members at school sites are careful to provide information about women in all roles in our society, drawing students' attention to the noted as well as the underrepresented contributions that women have provided historically and in modern times.
By adopting Resolution No. 839, designating one month with a focus on women's history, the Board of Trustees communicates the value of such instruction.
4. Present & Approve - Twin Rivers 2019/20 Second Interim Report and Positive Certification
School district governing boards are required to certify twice a year regarding their ability to meet their financial obligations for the remainder of the year and for the subsequent two fiscal years. There are three different certifications of financial condition: positive, qualified, or negative certification. A positive certification indicates that based upon current projections, the district will be able to meet its financial obligations for the current fiscal year or two subsequent fiscal years. The certification, along with accompanying documents are referred to as the Interim Reports.
The Board approved the Twin Rivers
2019/2020 Second Interim Report and Positive Certification.
5. Discuss - Resolution No. 756: Budget Reductions and the 2020-21 Structural Deficit
Tammy Sanchez, Associate Superintendent from the Sacramento County Office of Education, discussed Resolution No. 756: Budget Reductions and the Twin Rivers Unified School District's 2020-21 structural deficit.
6. Approve - Resolution No. 837: Elimination/Reduction of Classified Management Staff Due to Elimination/Reduction of Particular Kinds of Service (PKS)
Due to lack of work and/or lack of funds in the Twin Rivers Unified School District (District), the Governing Board, under the authority of Education Code sections 45114, 45115, 45117, 45298, and 45308, hereby finds it necessary and in the best interest of the District to eliminate the full-time equivalent (FTE) of the classified management services as specified below.
The Board approved Resolution No. 837.
7. Present - Safety Updates
Twin Rivers Unified School District (TRUSD) has been intentional in establishing practices that prioritize the safety and security of students, teachers, and staff. The TRUSD Site Safety Update provides information from School Leadership, Department of Maintenance and Operations, Police Services, and Business Services regarding steps taken to ensure the implementation of drills and policies and procedures established to maximize the safety of sites throughout TRUSD.
8. Present - Summer School Program 2020
With the goals of increasing student engagement and increasing the number of college and career ready students, the Twin Rivers Unified School District Summer School program offerings were presented to the Board of Trustees.
9. Approve - Personnel Recommendations
The Board of Trustees approved all personnel recommendations including new hires, promotions, resignations and leaves.
Click the button to view the complete agenda from this Board Meeting.
Board of Trustees to meet again, unless otherwise announced:
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
6 p.m. Closed Session/6:30 p.m. Open Session
5115 Dudley Blvd., Building A, McClellan, CA 95652
Director of Communications