Trinity Episcopal Church
Trinity Episcopal Church 
15 March 2020
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Sunday Service on Youtube

Trinity's first ever video liturgy was filmed yesterday in the Chancel of the church, and will be available to view starting at 8 AM today, Sunday, 15 March, on our Youtube channel.

This is part of our faithful response to the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak, which is world-wide and also right here in Connecticut.  Our bishops have urged the churches of The Episcopal Church in Connecticut to make the sacrifice of forgoing in person worship and other gatherings for a time.

For the common good, for the health and safety of our members and friends, and for the protection of the vulnerable in our communities with whom we might come in contact, Trinity is closed for the time being. 

Today we offer this video worship service, a shortened form of the liturgy that would have been offered for Lent Three.  You can join in by following this link.

Father Norman presides and preaches on the Gospel in light of the current crisis.  Jack Merrill serves as Cantor, Allison Merrill and George Chien serve as readers.  A huge thanks to Jake Troiano, videographer, and Casey Rousseau, producer, for setting this up and putting it together at short notice.
Please Remember Your Pledge to Trinity Church

While in person church services are not being held and the Trinity campus is closed, the financial obligations of the church continue, and must be met.  Please remember to send in your pledge.

We can receive gifts online (see the link on the left, in red.)  And our office staff will check the mail regularly and receive and record checks sent through the mail to our address at the bottom of this email.

If you have questions, you can call Father Norman or Barbara Roos at