Cup of Empowerment
June 4, 2018
It feels so good to sit back,  catch our breath and  savor a cup of empowerment   fro God's Word


survivors & caregivers
June 9,2018


Join us at Anna's Gate every Tuesday from 4 to 6 pm for 
worship and teaching!  Find out more about us at full of wonderful resources!

School of the Prophets with Jeremy Caris
June 8th from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

School of the Spirit with Jeremy Caris
June 16th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

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Deeper Purpose Challenge
Dr. CarolMarie

It's time to go deeper! Deep calls to deep and many times it is the "deep" in another that calls us to go "deeper" in Him! There is a deep well of experience in those that have gone before us that we can still learn by.
As I closed myself in my room for a time of listening to God and renewing my health, I was reminded of several of my all-time favorite mentors! I checked to see if there was anything on YouTube to reconnect with them, and to my sweet surprise, there was! The first mentor which came to mind was Dr. Fuchsia Pickett. I recently met her personal assistant, Joan, who had helped her many years. Joan mailed one of Dr. Fuchsia ' s books to me which stirred up many memories of when I sat under her teachings and listened to her cassettes. She had a special way of going through the scriptures with her pauses that made you catch the anointing on each word or phrase! I love how she said, "If you want to know your purpose ask the one who created you! Why are you here? Why did God send you at this time in history? You have a special purpose! Find out what it is!"   Dr. Fuchsia passed from Earth to Heaven in January 2004, but her mentoring continues and challenges us to go deeper.
Sister Gwen Shaw is another favorite mentor of mine! I remember being with her in 2011 at a Patricia King Conference where 2,000 of us were on our faces repenting for our nation. She reached down into the deep places of our lives and brought forth repentances like I had never seen before! It was amazing to see men and women of all ages crying out with tears under the conviction of the Holy Spirit. In 1970 Sister Gwen fasted for 21 days in total surrender and to press into God for her purpose. During that time, God revealed to her the "End-time Handmaidens", an organization she founded. Sister Gwen asked God for 10,000 end-time handmaidens that would totally surrender as well, and He has raised them up! She said that adding the time of fasting is what made the difference in hearing clearly her purpose! Sister Gwen Shaw moved to Heaven in January 2013 but her mentoring in my life and thousands of others lives on!
The first time I met Bobbie Jean Merck was in California about 36 years ago. I was in her workshop where the Holy Spirit would move around the room in waves of His presence that is beyond words to describe! Bobbie Jean called us to pray in such a way we did not want to leave the building for lunch or even the rest of the conference but instead lay on the carpet and worship! Nothing seemed more important! We didn't want to leave His presence! There were so many packed in the room it was over the fire code! The elevator would be full but no room to let the people off! If the leaders would have been wise, they would have moved her to the main auditorium because the anointing was so strong on her! This is a humble woman who stays in His presence and still carries the anointing strongly! She is based out of Georgia and has founded the ministry "A Greater Love". Her itinerary is on her website and I encourage you to check her out while she is still with us! She made me hungry to spend more time with God and go deeper in Him. That ' s our first purpose! She ' s a special mentor!
Derek Prince is probably a favorite mentor for many of us! His CD on Caring for the Widows and Orphans is one of the best I've heard and opens up amazing blessing when you understand God's heart on the matter! Derek is best known for his insights on deliverance from Satan ' s control in areas of our lives and how to shift from the curse to the blessing! This YouTube video is excellent to start us with a clean slate on our journey!  "How to Pass from Curse to Blessing".
Derek makes it simple from the Word of God and leads whole groups in getting free. I have loved his ministry since April 1968 when I first came into the deeper things of the Spirit. Derek finished his purpose here in September 2003. His books and CDs are still available so that his mentoring continues.
Deep is calling to deep! Let ' s do this challenge together to find our deeper purpose for this time and season. Expect clarity to come in the areas we need it as well!
  1. Listen to Derek Prince's above video and pray with him to clear your heart.
  2. Join me in a fast to press in deeper. Week by week I will encourage you!
  3. Increase your prayer time and time in the Word. Ask your Creator to reveal to you your purpose
  4. Journal your journey!
Let me hear from you too as I agree in prayer for your deeper purpose! Send your prayer requests and journey updates to me at [email protected] or click here: and go to the bottom of the page. Please mark any ministry donations "deep calls to deep"! This is a time for fresh insight and clarity on our deeper purpose for this time and season!


We would also like to invite you to send us a brief testimony 
(written or filmed on your smart phone) 
of how God has used Anna's Gate 
to help you and to reach your realm of influence. 
Email it to:   [email protected] 
(Put "Testimony" on the subject line). 
If filmed, please make it only 1 to 2 minutes. 
We would love to hear from you!


Read what Jesus read on this week in History!
Check out the Torah Reading for Last Sabbath
Here is the Torah Reading for Next Sabbath


Learn about the  Hebraic month .


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June 9,2018
World's Fair Park Amphitheater
10am - 3pm (Early Registration 9am)

Stay Connected:
Anna's Gate International
6515 Clinton Highway Suite 100
Knoxville, TN 37912