21 June 2019

Brought to you by  Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor
Today's Top Story

Spain is seeking assurances from the European Union that self-regulation measures intended to stabilize the country’s domestic olive oil market will be legal within the framework of the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which comes into force in 2020.
New role: Newly appointed Federal Agriculture Minister, Bridget McKenzie.
Agriculture Minister Bridget McKenzie steps into her new role promising to prioritise consultation and collaboration over a reform agenda. "My style is to work with industry," Ms McKenzie told Australian Community Media.

Fiona Makowski and partner Glenn run the Freshfield Grove olive farm at Campania in southern Tasmania. Fiona and Glenn have been busy with the harvest and along with using their press to process oil for other producers. Fiona says for the first time after last year's harvest, she used a chainsaw for pruning, and says the trees have bounced back well. She spoke to Tony Briscoe while pressing some oil for another Tasmania olive grower.

A great ABC Tasmanian Country Hour interview on the realities of small-scale olive production.
On her first full day in office, Agriculture Minister, Bridget Mckenzie (fourth from left) met with the 10 participants in 2019 NFF's Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program.
A group of Australian agriculture's most influential organisations have called time on the lack of women in leadership positions within the industry. Banks; agribusiness; superannuation and insurance agencies; pastoralists; and input providers, rural research and development corporations and farm representative bodies have joined with the publisher of this masthead, Australian Community Media, to pledge to make 'meaningful change' on moving the dial on female representation.

Great move - some of our most successful olive businesses are run by women!
Got something to sell, or want to buy? You can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertise your unwanted equipment, extra oil - or even your grove. It worked for Chris, who found a Victorian buyer for his used DeMasi harvester. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates. 

Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.

Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To arrange a listing, contact Gerri at
Fresh crushed olive oil (Nine)
Olive oil, that glorious golden green liquid we use to whip up salad dressing, roast off veggies or add some depth to sauces and soffritto. We might even love it best drizzled onto our smashed avo on toast on a Saturday morning. When you've got the good stuff on hand it's the finishing touch that can add a punch of freshness or a richness that you just don't get from anything else.

Plenty of great info on AEVOO, along with a video of olive oil production at Boundary Bend.
Glyphosate use in Australia

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) recently issued a statement regarding the use of glyphosate in Australia, as follows:
The APVMA continues to actively monitor any new scientific information about glyphosate and we remain satisfied that APVMA approved products containing glyphosate can continue to be used safely according to label directions. The APVMA’s position on glyphosate is aligned with other international regulators and the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues, including recent comprehensive reviews of glyphosate conducted by the USA and Canada.

Read more on the APVMA website here.
June Grove Innovation online now
Grove Innovation is the industry’s monthly update on the latest R&D projects, resources and upcoming events related to the Hort Innovation Olive Fund. The June edition is available online via the OliveBiz website here, where you can also find articles from all the past editions. There’s lots of interesting news, so jump online and take a look.
Visa changes protect Australia
Biosecurity officers and Australian Border Force officers at our air and sea ports have more powers to protect Australia from biosecurity threats, following changes to Australia's immigration law on 17 April.
Amended legislation is now in effect to deter and respond to biosecurity breaches at international airports. International visitors who are believed to have contravened particular provisions of the Biosecurity Act 2015 can have their visitor visa cancelled for up to three years. Read more...
Pest Animal and Weed Management Survey

The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences is conducting a national survey on pest animal and weed management. The survey aims to build awareness of pest animal and weed management problems in the community, as well as contribute to monitoring and evaluation. The survey is open until 15 July 2019 and all farm businesses in Australia are invited to participate.
Find out more and take part here.
Get recognised for your export success: Australian Export Awards
Entries are now open for the 2019 Australian Export Awards, with Australian businesses of all sizes invited to enter. The Agribusiness, Food and Beverages Award honours businesses for international success across agricultural products, services and technologies, providing recognition and promotion of your achievements. Find out more and apply here.
Counting down to the Australian International Olive Awards – got your testing sorted?
There are just nine days until entries open for the 2019 Australian International Olive Awards – Australia’s premier EVOO and table olive competition.
New elements in 2019 include:
  • Reserved Champion of Class awards - increased chances of winning
  • Bigger and better trophies
  • Online decal ordering
  • Medal results emailed post-judging
  • Earlier entry and earlier results = early promotion and increased marketing opportunities
Key dates are:
1 July – entries open
30 August – entries close
18 October – Awards Presentation Dinner, Albury, NSW
More information here or contact Chief Steward Trudie Michels on 0419 031 527 or via email
2019 Australian Golden Olive Awards
Information and entry forms are now available for the 21st Australian Golden Olive Awards, run by the Olive Producers North East Victoria (OPNEV). 
A low-cost show held in high regard by the industry, the Australian Golden Olive Awards also provides Free Fatty Acid and Peroxide testing from fully accredited laboratories, with results provided to entrants. The tests on your oil allow you to seek accreditation from the AOA for their Australian EVOO logos, and you can also use the results to enter other shows.
Key dates:
  • Invitation to Participate submission: 5/7/2019
  • Submission of product: 25/7/2019
  • Presentation Dinner: 31/8/2019
Access full information on the OPNEV website here.
TasteBook™/OliveCare® sensory workshops registration for Wagga Wagga event closing soon
Participants at the Adelaide event were enthusiastic about the skills and knowledge acquired, and the inclusive forum for information sharing and discussion.
Would you like a better understanding of what makes award winning EVOO and table olives stand out from the rest? Sensory training is invaluable for anyone with an interest in the olive industry, and is on offer at the series of national sensory training workshops being run by NSW DPI Sensory and Consumer Science Researcher Dr Soumi Paul Mukhopadhyay and OliveCare® administrator Peter McFarlane. The program includes sensory training, olive oil chemistry, freshness testing of EVOO and determining objective best before dates (BBDs) and more. The workshop will benefit olive growers and processors, olive oil judges and anyone wishing to gain a better appreciation for EVOO and table olives.  
Cost is $40 for levy payers, $50 non-levy payers. 
Don’t miss your opportunity to learn - register now for the Wagga Wagga, NSW event on Sunday, 30 June. 
More information and register here, where you’ll also find the full national schedule.
New Zealand
2019 NZ EVOO Awards Judging Panel announced

Olives NZ has announced the judging panel for 2019 New Zealand Extra Virgin Olive Oil Awards, with another stellar line up providing outstanding international expertise. 
Head Judge is Dr Agusti J. Romero from Spain, joined from Australia by Helen Taylor (former Australian Panel Leader) and Dr Soumi Paul Mukhopadhyay (DPI’s Sensory and Consumer Research Scientist), and from New Zealand by Hilary Fenemor, Peter Coubrough and Raffaela Delmonte.
Key dates:
  • Entries open - 12 August
  • Entries close - 13 September
  • Awards Dinner – Saturday, 12 October at The Bolton Hotel, Wellington.
An information pack with entry forms will be emailed to all eligible members in August.

ANALYSIS: Unhealthy diets cause multiple physical and mental health problems. To help consumers make healthier choices, Australia and New Zealand introduced the voluntary Health Star Rating system in 2014. The system is supposedly designed to provide consumers with an overall signal about a food’s healthiness. Presumably, this should nudge consumers to make more informed and healthier decisions.

More good comment on why the HSR system simply doesn’t do what it set out to do.

A new research project in the European Union is investigating ways in which to use agricultural residues as an alternative source of protein and phenolic isolates. The Pro-Enrich project is seeking to turn byproducts created by the production of rapeseed meal, olives, tomatoes and citrus fruit into these two isolates, which can be used instead of petroleum-based products in a range of everyday goods.
06-Jun-2019 By Katy Askew 

Feeding a future global population of 10 billion people without causing a climate catastrophe this century will require transformational change across the entire value chain. Fresh evidence suggests climate change is already impacting crop yields. What are the key challenges and opportunities? 

Get up to speed with the facts around climate change and its affects in the feature article on the Climate Change Council’s Weather Gone Wild report in the June edition of Olivegrower & Processor.

11-Jun-2019 By Katy Askew 

Digitalisation and robotics are increasingly being adopted by the food sector as it works to improve efficiency and sustainability, according to a report from ING. 
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
With 2019 now well underway Friday Olive Extracts  (FOE) continues to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them,  you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!

A recent study published in the journal Nature, reveals that man-made greenhouse gases have been a cause of drought for more than a century. As part of the study, scientists at Columbia University’s Earth Institute studied reconstructions of the Palmer Drought Severity Index, which uses information on temperature and precipitation to estimate relative dryness and quantify drought, and compared these with data from 600 to 900-year-old tree rings.

Not good news but important to acknowledge, and where possible act upon to reduce our own impacts. 

05-Jun-2019 By Katy Askew 

Trust is an important currency for food brands. But in the era of social media, fake news and information overload, gaining consumer trust has become challenging. How can food businesses build trust in – and therefore loyalty to – their brands? 

According to a new study, more than 320,000 acres of traditional olive groves are abandoned and 1.2 million acres more could be also lost, equal to one-fifth of the total land area of all Spanish olive groves.
Antonia and Paul at the Norfolk Olive Tree Company.
A former can-can dancer and a tree surgeon who fell in love with olive trees when touring Europe in their campervan are now running a business selling them. And apparently, the trees renowned for growing in arid countries abroad, love Norfolk's soil.

In honor of National Olive Day today, here are five facts you never knew about olives, but will be happy you do now.

The heads of the Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers (UPA) and the Coordinator of Agriculture and Livestock Organizations (COAG) have called on Andalusians to protest record-low olive oil prices in Seville next month. The rally, which is scheduled for July 9 in front of the San Telmo Palace in the Andalusian capital, will also serve as a moment for leaders of the provincial olive oil sector to demonstrate the popular support for various measures.
Olive Oil Lounge at the atrium - Atlanta airport.
Olive Oils from Spain and the European Union have launched the "Olive Oil Lounge" at Hartsfield-Jackson airport in Atlanta as part of the global campaign "Join the European life style with Olive Oils from Spain. Olive Oil Makes a tastier World", which is touring the main cities of Europe, the United States and Asia. 

Let’s hope some of the 275,000 passengers passing through the airport each day head ‘down under’ and explore our quality local EVOO.
What's On

Australian Women's Leadership Symposiums – all states, Australia 

26 June
Entries close, 2019 Sydney Royal Fine Food Show – Sydney, NSW 

30 June
TasteBook™/OliveCare® sensory workshop – Wagga Wagga, NSW

30 June
Community olive pressing day, Freshfield Grove – Campania, Tasmania 

30-31 July
Western Sydney University Soil Biology Masterclass – Richmond, NSW 

1 July 
Entries open, Australian International Olive Awards – Sydney, NSW

12 July
Entries close, 2019 Royal Hobart Fine Food Awards – Hobart, Tasmania

19-24 July
OLIVE JAPAN SHOW 2019 – Tokyo, Japan

25 July
Submission deadline, 2019 Australian Golden Olive Awards – Rutherglen, VIC 

2 August
Entries close, 2019 Royal Adelaide Olive Awards – Adelaide, SA 

20 August
Royal Adelaide Olive Awards Presentation Dinner – Lockleys, SA 

30 August
Entries close, Australian International Olive Awards – Sydney, NSW

24 September
2019 Taste of Excellence Awards, Sydney Fine Food Show – Sydney, NSW

4 October
Entries close, 2019 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

12 October
ONZ EVOO Awards Dinner – Wellington, NZ 

18 October
Presentation dinner, Australian International Olive Awards – Albury, NSW

16-19 October
2019 National Olive Industry Conference & Trade Exhibition – Albury, NSW

14 November
Awards presentation, 2019 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

9-12 February
World Congress on Oils & Fats – Sydney, Australia

23-25 April
2020 London International Olive oil Competitions – London, UK

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
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