Press Release For Immediate Release
Synod Assembly Final Review

We are pleased to share with you our Synod Assembly Final Review publication for you to share with your congregation. Please follow this link that will take you to our Synod Assembly web page. Scroll down to the Post-Assembly Final Review section and click the 2018 Assembly Final Review link to download a PDF version of the publication (be patient, it's a fairly large file).

You will also find a link to our synod YouTube channel, which contains video recordings of all of the assembly business sessions and speakers. We are working to create an album of all of the photos taken during our assembly by our volunteer photographers - Paul Coulter, Chris Bach and Brenda Barrios. When complete, the link to access it will be posted on our Synod Assembly web page.

On behalf of the staff of the Pacifica Synod, we give thanks to ALL who made this 31st Annual Synod Assembly possible. For those who attended, our special guests, speakers, leaders, vendors and organization representatives and synod council. We especially thank Hope Lutheran and the countless volunteers who served on the many teams who planned, organized, and staffed the positions necessary to ensure that everything ran smoothly. You are all appreciated and loved!