On Sunday during Sunday School we read several stories that relate to Maundy Thursday that remind us of Jesus and the actions that he did and that he knew were going to happen. All done for us. To remember these stories and observe this day of Holy Week, here are just a few things for you to do.  

  1. Gather rocks, stones, pieces of cloth, small balls or anything around your home that is easy to hold in your hand.  Distribute these items to members of your family and ask them to hold the item as they pray about things that they find hard. Put all of the items in a bowl and as you pass by that bowl today know that we can take our concerns about difficult things to God in prayer anytime.  
  2. You and your family can have your own Maundy Thursday service with this Maundy Thursday Liturgy from A Sanctified Art that has special activities for children. 
  3. Listen to the Maundy Thursday Story, read by our very own Pastor Berry.

Maundy Thursday Reading from the Archbishop's Desmond's Tutu's Children's Bible
Maundy Thursday Reading from the Archbishop's Desmond's Tutu's Children's Bible

Maggie Wentzky
Interim Children's Ministry Director

First Presbyterian Church

100 School Street

Greer, SC  29651

(864) 877-3612

[email protected]